Are you stepping into your 30s but haven't had much dating experience
or maybe you've been divorced for a few years now but you're ready to enter the dating game again.
Whether you consider yourself a late bloomer or want to avoid making the same dating mistakes,
here are five dating tips when you're older.
以下是给你们的5个约会技巧 。
1. Give online dating a try.
1. 试试网上约会吧 。
People often fear meeting creeps online and while they do exist.
人们常常害怕网恋,尽管他们确实存在 。
Times are changing with the evolution of dating apps meeting people online has become more common today.
时代在变化,约会软件在发展,如今在网恋变得越来越普遍 。
Here's a fun fact: my boyfriend and I met on OkCupid.
有趣的是,我和我的男友就是在OkCupid遇见的 。
What matters most is using good judgment when you decide to talk to someone.
当你决定和某人搭讪时,最重要的是要有好的判断力 。
If you guys live too far away from each other, well commuting can be a problem.
如果你们相隔太远,交通可能是个问题 。
When the two of you meet up for the first time make sure you agree upon seeing each other
in a well-lit public area such as a coffee shop, museum or restaurant.
公共场合见面,如咖啡馆、博物馆或餐厅 。
Avoid meeting at parks at night or at each other's homes. This makes the meetup safer.
不要在夜晚的公园或对方家中见面 。这样更安全 。
2. You don't have to date with marriage in mind.
2. 交往时不必想着结婚 。
Who said your 20s was only for fun and flames?
As long as you and your partner agree ahead of time and none of you want anything serious at the moment
you can date casually for as long as you like.
你们想谈多久就多久 。
There's no need to settle down with someone by the time you turn 30 especially if you haven't dated much.
30岁也不必安定下来,尤其是你的恋爱经历还不多的时候 。
If you're not sure what you want, don't stress about it.
如果你不确定自己想要什么,不要为此感到压力 。
Dating is all about trial and errors, just make sure you make this clear with your partner and you're both on the same page.
约会就是不断的尝试和错误,只要你和你的伴侣说清楚这一点并能达成共识 。
3. Don't let age gap scare you away.
3. 不要让年龄差距把你吓跑 。
Maybe you feel old because your date doesn't know any of the bands you listen to
or you make antiquated jokes no intells anymore but don't let age gap stand in your way of finding romance.
或者你会讲老掉牙的笑话,但不要让年龄差距成为你寻找爱情的绊脚石 。
My boyfriend and I are eight years of heart. Sure, he was reluctant at first to date me
我和我的男友相差八岁 。没错,起初他是不愿意和我约会的
because he was scared that I didn't know what I want. He was wrong, of course.
因为他担心我不知道自己要什么 。当然,他错了 。
As long as the two of you are of legal age if you guys have good chemistry, age just becomes a number.
只要你们在合法的年纪,两人对彼此有意思的话,年龄不过是一个数字 。
What's more important is dating someone who is emotionally mature enough for you
and age doesn't determine that, experiences do.
这不是由年龄决定的,而是经历 。
4. Try new things.
4. 尝试新事物 。
Don't use your age as an excuse to turn down dates at the amusement park or trendy bars that make you feel old.
不要把年龄用作借口拒绝游乐场或酒吧约会 。
You also don't need to try so hard in order to stay cool. As cliche as it sounds, someone will like you for who you are
你也不需要努力装酷 。虽然听起来很老套,但总会有人喜欢真实的你
just keep an open mind and don't be so quick to turn down opportunities that can be fulfilling and worthwhile.
只要保持开放心态,不要那么快就拒绝那些能带来满足感和价值的机会 。
5. Remember love doesn't have an expiration date.
5. 记住,爱没有截止日期 。
Thanks to social norms, we often have a pressure to get married and have kids by the time we reach a certain age
as if there's an expiration date. But marriage doesn't equate to love and having kids doesn't save a broken relationship.
就好像这些都有有效期一样 。但婚姻不等于爱,生孩子也不能拯救一段破碎的感情 。
Go at a pace you're comfortable with and don't let anyone make you feel small for where you are in life right now.
跟着你觉得舒服的路走,不要让任何人让你觉得你现在的生活很渺小 。
People don't have all the answers when they grow up, so expect to make some mistakes along the way and have fun.
长大后也不可能得到所有的答案,所以在成长的过程中难免会犯一些错误,并从中获得乐趣 。
We wish you the best of luck on this wonderful journey of self-discovery
我们祝大家在这段自我发现的奇妙旅程中有好运 。
Are you inexperienced at dating or giving it another try. Please share your thoughts with us below.
你是约会经验不足还是想在尝试一下?请在下方分享你的看法 。
Also be sure to subscribe to our channel for more helpful tips and share this video with others.
一定要订阅我们的频道获取更多有用信息并和他人分享本期视频 。
With your help, we can reach more people and provide our support. Thanks for watching.
有了大家的帮助,我们能为更多人提供支持 。感谢收看 。