Stop! How did open offices get so overrated? Let's break this down.
停!开放式办公室为什么被高估地这么厉害?下面,我们就来剖析一下这个问题 。
We all know open offices are bad.
我们都知道开放式办公室不好 。
There've been studies that show that private offices "clearly outperformed" open ones.
有研究表明,私人办公室“明显优于”开放式办公室 。
Open offices are about saving money.
开放式办公室就是为了省钱 。
Pricey real estate means that every square foot's a dollar sign, and that's fine.
寸土寸金的房价意味着每平方米都是钱,其实这也还好 。
But we don't like to talk about it that way.
但我们不喜欢说得这么直白 。
We act like it's about interaction and collaboration,
even though studies have shown that ease of interaction is not an issue in any type of office.
尽管研究表明,无路是何种类型的办公室,轻松的互动都不在人们的考虑之中 。
To be clear, I am throwing stones from a glass office.
很明显,我这也是在五十步笑百步 。
This is where I work.
这是我上班的地方 。
My desk is incredibly close to my poor neighbors, I always have to wear headphones to concentrate, and nobody ever...talks.
我的桌子跟我可怜的同桌隔得非常近,我经常都要戴着耳机才能集中精力,而且,谁也没有……说过话 。
But when you look at really cool companies,
across the board they all have open offices to "encourage interaction and openness.
他们的办公室也都是清一色的,“鼓励互动和开放”的开放式办公室 。
Dog vacation website? Open office.
寄养宠物的DogVacay网站?开放式办公室 。
Charity website? Open office.
募捐的慈善网站Omaze?开放式办公室 。
But this is not just penny pinching.
但这种设计不仅仅是精打细算的结果 。
We talk about them like they're better, and they used to be.
我们说得好像开放式的办公室才是更好的设计,事实上,曾经的确是这样 。
Open offices were once works of art.
开放式办公室曾是艺术的杰作 。
They were just ruined...by too many bad copies.
它们是被太多太多的烂抄袭给毁掉的 。
This is an open office. It's a post office from 1872.
这是一个开放式办公室 。是1872年的一个邮局 。
Open offices weren't invented by hip millennials.
开放式办公室并不是时髦的千禧一代发明的 。
This is not a barista. This is not a Feng shui consultant.
这位既不是咖啡师 。也不是什么风水顾问 。
Clerical work was done in big open spaces as early as the 1750's.
早在18世纪50年代,秘书们就开始在很开阔的开放式空间里办公了 。
But small rooms were most common.
但那时最常见的还是一小间一小间的办公室 。
By the 1900's, more and more people were spending their days in offices.
到了20世纪,在办公室工作的人越来越多了 。
One genius wanted to make offices more open, and he wanted open spaces to work better.
一个天才便想出来让办公室开放化,借此改善办公环境的点子 。
"The Eminent American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright".
“杰出的美国建筑师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特” 。
"Come in lad. Instead of a building being a series of boxes and closets, it became more and more open, more and more a sense of space."
“进来吧,小伙子 。建筑不再是一个个的盒子和柜子堆叠起来的这么一个东西,而是变得越来越开放,越来越有空间感了 。”
Wright's known for his houses, often with open plants, but he designed offices too.
赖特是著名的建筑设计师,而且,他设计的房子通常都融入了天然的花草树木,但除了房子,他也设计办公室 。
In 1909, he experimented with open offices in a Buffalo building.
1909年,他在布法罗的一栋大楼里对开放式办公室这种设计做了一些实验性的尝试 。
In 1939, he created a masterpiece in Wisconsin.
1939年,他就在威斯康辛州设计出了大师级别的作品 。
The SC Johnson company needed a new headquarters, so they asked Wright to design it.
庄臣公司需要一个新的总部,他们请来了赖特 。
They make cleaning products like "RAID!!!!"
"Yes Raid, new bug killer discovery from Johnson's Wax."
“是的,就是庄臣公司的新发明——雷达杀虫剂 。”
The administrative building was the highlight.
赖特为庄臣公司设计的行政大楼是整个设计的一大亮点 。
It was a stunning open office.
这是一间令人艳羡的开放式办公室 。
Wright believed new materials, like steel, enabled bolder designs.
赖特认为,钢铁之类的新材料能够使设计显得更为大胆 。
"The box was a fascist symbol and the architecture of freedom and democracy needed something beside the box."
“盒子是法西斯主义的象征,自由和民主的架构需要的是盒子之外的东西 。”
Just in case you missed that, he just said boxes are fascist. Yeah.
以防你们没听清,他说箱子是法西斯主义的象征 。他真是这么说的 。
Doesn't that sound a lot like modern open office hype?
But there were big differences between what Wright made and what we have today.
问题是,赖特设计的开放式办公室和当下的这些开放式办公室是有很大差别的 。
This thing was incredibly well designed.
出自于莱特之手的这个东西设计得非常好 。
First are these dendri-form columns.
首先是这些树形柱 。
Dendri-form means tree like.
树形的意思就是长得像树一样 。
They were so elegantly skinny, they worried building inspectors.
这些柱子是那么的考究,那么的细,以致于验收的工作人员都担心它们会不会塌 。
The ceiling let in natural light.
自然光可通过天花板照射进来 。
Visitors compared it to a cathedral.
游客们纷纷用大教堂来形容这个办公室 。
Wright also specially designed each of these desks and chairs.
那些桌椅也是经过莱特精心设计的 。