Mr. Trump’s meeting with Mr. Kim in Singapore was the first time sitting American and North Korean leaders had met anywhere,
and it produced vague promises to eliminate Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal.
然而,平壤方面最终做出的放弃核武库的承诺言辞含混,语焉不详 。
Their second meeting, in Hanoi, ended in failure when Mr. Kim made an offer that fell far short of that.
两人在河内的第二次会晤也以失败告终,因为金正恩提出的条件与放弃核武库这个目标相去甚远 。
North Korean officials went dark after the collapse of the talks, refusing to respond to either the Americans or the South Koreans.
会谈破裂后,朝鲜官员一直避而不见,拒绝回应美国或韩国的任何问题 。
In recent weeks, however, North Korea re-emerged on the world stage
as Mr. Kim exchanged letters with Mr. Trump in what was seen as a signal of its interest in resuming diplomacy.
朝鲜又重新出现在世界舞台上,而金正恩此举也被外界视为了朝鲜有意恢复外交关系的信号 。
American officials have said they did not think a third meeting should be arranged unless a substantive agreement could be negotiated beforehand.
美方官员表示,他们认为已经没有必要安排第三次会谈,除非事先就能达成实质性的协议 。
But Mr. Trump was seized with the idea of an encounter at the DMZ.
但特朗普突然又产生了在非军事区会面的念头 。
Panmunjom, which straddles the North-South border, is called the “truce village”
because the two sides signed an armistice there in 1953 to halt the three-year Korean War.
因为1953年两国在这里签署了停战协议,结束了为期三年的朝鲜战争 。
The two-and-a-half-mile-wide DMZ is a no-man’s zone, but Panmunjom is an exception,
a “joint security area” where border guards face off with no buffer between them.
板门店属于“联合安全区”,中间没有缓冲地带,且双边都有边防部队把守 。
Mr. Kim crossed the DMZ in April 2018 to meet with Mr. Moon,
becoming the first North Korean leader to step over the line since the war.
成为了自朝鲜战争以来首位跨过边界的朝鲜领导人 。
Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton each visited North Korea,
flying into its capital, Pyongyang, but only after they left office.
但两人都是在卸任之后直接飞往朝鲜首都平壤的 。
Sitting presidents, including Ronald Reagan, Mr. Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, visited the DMZ,
but were never greeted by North Korea’s leader.
但均未得到朝鲜领导人的迎接 。
Mr. Trump, wearing a dark suit, emerged from Freedom House on the South Korean side,
walked along gravel between two blue huts to the demarcation line and stopped there to wait for Mr. Kim to approach.
沿着两间蓝色小屋之间的砾石小路走到分界线,并在那里停了下来,等待金正恩的到来 。
Mr. Kim, wearing his traditional Mao suit, bounded forward to greet him.
身穿传统中山装的金正恩大步上前迎接特朗普 。
They shook hands and Mr. Trump patted the younger man’s arm before they stepped across the barrier and strode across a dirt field.
两人握了握手,特朗普拍了拍金正恩这位年轻男子的手臂,之后,两人跨过分界线,大步穿过了一小块地 。
The two turned and shook hands again for the cameras,
then walked back to the border marker, posed again, and finally headed toward Freedom House.
就走回分界线,再次合影,最后一同向自由之家走去了 。
The scene was fairly chaotic.
当时的现场十分混乱 。
North Korean security personnel were particularly aggressive,
pushing and pulling journalists and even White House staff members,
including the new press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, as she tried to get American media into the room.
包括新任新闻秘书斯蒂芬妮·格里沙姆,当时她试图让美国媒体也进入房间 。
The jostling made television images from the scene look frenzied.
拥挤的场面使现场的电视画面看起来十分疯狂 。
Accompanying the president were Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney,
and other top aides, including Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.
以及包括伊万卡·特朗普和贾里德·库什纳在内的其他高级助手 。
Asked how North Korea was, the president’s daughter answered, “Surreal.”
当被问及朝鲜怎么样时,总统的女儿回答道,“跟做梦一样 。”
Mr. Kim said he knew nothing about a possible meeting until the president’s tweet.
金正恩说,在总统发推文之前,他完全不知二人可能要会面 。
“I don’t think this kind of surprise meeting would have happened
without the excellent personal relationship between your excellency and me,” he told Mr. Trump in Freedom House.
这种出人意料的会面就不会发生了,”他在自由之家对特朗普说道 。
Mr. Trump expressed relief that Mr. Kim came.
特朗普也表示,金正恩的到来让他宽慰了许多 。
“If he didn’t show up, the press was going to make me look very bad,” he said. “So you made us both look good, and I appreciate it.”
“如果他没露面,媒体就会让我非常难看,”他说 。“所以,你挽救了我们两人的颜面,非常感谢 。”
After their private conversation, which lasted about 50 minutes,
Mr. Trump escorted Mr. Kim back to the demarcation line and then watched as the North Korean headed back to his country.
特朗普陪同金正恩回到分界线,目送这位朝鲜领导人返回了自己的国家 。
“Certainly, this was a great day; this was a very legendary, very historic day,”
Mr. Trump exulted afterward, before adding a cautionary note.
“It’ll be even more historic if something comes out of it.”
“如果能有所收获,历史意义将会更大 。”
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1. fall far short of 与……相去甚远
However, as a populous country, the country's present-day disabilities organizations still fall far short of the needs of society.
然而,作为一个人口大国,该国现今的残疾人照顾机构还远远达不到社会的需求 。
2. exchange letters with 互致信函
I plan to have many pen pals and exchange letters with them, so I can collect more stamps from letters.
我计划交许多笔友,和他们互通信函,这样我就可以收集到更多的邮票了 。
3. be seized with 突然……
I was seized with a sudden urge to step out and slap him. For a moment, my vision blurred.
我突然有种出去扇他一巴掌的冲动,片刻,我的视线模糊了 。
4. head back to 回……去
I think we'd better head back to the hotel and get a good night's rest before our big day tomorrow.
我想我们还是回旅馆好好休息一晚,明天开始我们丰富的旅程吧 。