Voice 2: Experts at the Worldwatch Institute say that since 1957 the average American has doubled his wealth. But American people are not happier. Studies show that only a third of Americans described themselves as 'very happy'. This is the same number as in 1957.
声音2:世界观察研究所的专家表示,自1957年以来,普通美国人的财富已经翻了一番 。但美国人的幸福指数没有增加 。研究表明,只有三分之一的美国人称自己“很幸福” 。这一比例与1957年一样 。
Voice 1: Daniel Kahneman is an expert working at the University of Princeton America. He says,
声音1:丹尼尔·卡尼曼是美国普林斯顿大学的专家 。他表示,
Voice 3: "There is a lot of evidence that being richer is not making us happier. The research suggests that after you have a home, food and clothes, then extra money does not seem make a lot of difference."
声音3:“许多证据表明,变得富有并不能让我们更幸福 。研究显示,在人们有了房子、食物和衣服之后,多余的钱似乎并未带来很大不同 。”
Voice 2: In Oxford, Ilona Boniwell is concerned. She says that people in developed countries may have more money. But they have also lost a lot of their hope and happiness. Ilona wants people to look at their lives in a different way. She wants people to put more time into creating a strong family. She also wants people to spend more time thinking and developing their spiritual selves.
声音2:牛津大学的伊罗娜·鲍尼威尔感到很担心 。她说,发达国家的居民也许有很多钱 。但他们也失去了很多希望和幸福 。伊罗娜希望人们用不同方式看待自己的生活 。她希望人们在组建强大家庭上投入更多时间 。她还希望人们花更多时间来思考并开发精神自我 。