The town was as dark as any forest when Yoren and the others reappeared. "Tower's empty," he said. "Lord's gone off to fight maybe, or to get his smallfolk to safety, no telling. Not a horse or pig left in town, but we'll eat. Saw a goose running loose, and some chickens, and there's good fish in the Gods Eye."
The boats are gone, Arya reported.
We could patch the bottom of that rowboat, said Koss.
Might do for four o' us, Yoren said.
There's nails, Lommy pointed out. "And there's trees all around. We could build us all boats."
Yoren spat. "You know anything 'bout boat-building, dyer's boy?" Lommy looked blank.
A raft, suggested Gendry. "Anyone can build a raft, and long poles for pushing."
Yoren looked thoughtful. "Lake's too deep to pole across, but if we stayed to the shallows near shore... it'd mean leaving the wagons. Might be that's best. I'll sleep on it."
Can we stay at the inn? Lommy asked.
We'll stay in the holdfast, with the gates barred, the old man said. "I like the feel o' stone walls about me when I sleep."
Arya could not keep quiet. "We shouldn't stay here," she blurted. "The people didn't. They all ran off, even their lord."