This yearning for a return to some ill-defined golden age is the basis of many far right Nationalist movements around the globe.
强烈渴望重回某个界定含混的黄金时代是世界各地许多极右民族主义运动共有的根基 。
The main historical fixation of these Nationalists is the 1860's, when Japan underwent a massive transformation,
giving the Emperor lots of power which he used to rapidly educate the people, grow the economy, and develop a massive military.
当时的天皇被赋予了极大的权力,他便靠着这些权利迅速发展了日本的教育和经济,还建立起了庞大的军队 。
Japan became an economic and military powerhouse in just a few years
and over the following decades, they did what powerful countries did back then:
they started expanding, committing horrific atrocities like mass genocide in the process.
他们开始扩张领土,在所到之地实施大规模种族灭绝等恐怖的暴行 。
By the mid-1900s, this aggressive expansion brought Japan into a natural alignment with Hitler's Germany, who was doing the same thing in Europe.
到20世纪中期, 这种强势的扩张让日本自然而然地和希特勒统治的,当时正在欧洲实施同样的暴行的德国走到了一起 。
And then, at the height of the Japanese empire...
"The bomb was exploded above the city and in the towering mushroom, Japan could read its doom."
“这颗原子弹已经在城市上空爆炸 。在高耸的蘑菇云里,日本应该能看到,它的末日已经到了 。”
The U.S. and Allied powers won the war.
美国及其盟友国成了那场战争胜利的一方 。
They came in, dismantled Japan's military, and wrote them a new constitution that ensured they'd never get so powerful again.
盟军进来解散了日本的军队,为日本撰写了新的宪法,确保他们永远不会再次变得如此强大 。
To the Nationalists, this was the moment that everything was lost.
而在那些民族主义者看来,这是他们失去一切的时刻 。
Japan was brought to its knees, stripped of the pride and national values thousands of years in the making,
emasculated by these western powers who were now occupying their country.
还被这些占了自己国家的西方势力阉割了 。
In Tokyo there's this huge controversial shrine called Yasukuni.
东京有一座巨大但充满争议的神社——靖国神社 。
It's where all the people who died in the wars under the emperor are memorialized, including all those who died in World War II.
所有在日本天皇发动的那些战争中死去的人,包括所有在二战中死去的人都被供奉在了这里 。
After Japan lost the war, a huge trial was held.
日本战败后,国际社会举行了一场大审判 。
Thousands were convicted of war crimes and thrown into jail and even some were hanged.
被判犯下了战争罪并被送进监狱的多达数千人 ,有一部分还被处以了绞刑 。
And what's tricky about this very beautiful shrine that I'm walking through,
is that over a thousand of those war criminals are enshrined here, and are prayed to every day.
就供奉着上千名这样的战犯,每天接受着后人的参拜 。
But a lot of Japanese people have a different narrative about what happened after the war.
然而,很多日本人对战后发生的事都有着不一样的看法 。
According to this narrative, the tribunals after World War II were not an impartial exercise in justice,
but rather an emotional backlash against the atrocities that had just occurred during the war.
而只是对那场战争中的暴行的泄愤 。
So, the fact that they're here in Yasukuni doesn't bug a lot of these people.
所以,在很多人看来,将那些日本士兵供奉在靖国神社并没有什么问题 。
In fact, they revere them and they worship them for their sacrifice to the emperor.
事实上,他们反而很敬仰那些人,崇拜那些人,因为他们是为天皇牺牲的 。
All of the symbolism and the memorials point to a glorification of the imperial period, not necessarily an apology for it.
这里所有的象征符号和纪念物指向的并非是道歉,而是帝国时代的荣耀 。
The shrine is at the symbolic heart of the Nationalist narrative,
censoring any mention of atrocities and glorifying the imperial age as worthy of restoration.
它剔除了所有提及战争暴行的内容,转而赞扬帝国时代并将其上升到值得复兴的高度 。
Upon leaving the shrine, I come across a rightwing group that was visiting the shrine to pay tribute to the spirits.
就在我准备离开神社的时候,我看到了一个准备行参拜礼的右翼团体 。
So it's tempting to draw parallels with what's happening in Japan with Nationalism
and what we see happening in the U.S. and Europe, with figures like Donald Trump.
和美国,欧洲,在特朗普这类人领导下的现状做个对照 。
But while that parallel works for a little bit, it breaks down really quickly,
and the differentiating factor that is the most important for understanding the difference is a word that we've heard a lot lately.
Populism "Populism" "Populism" "Populism" "Populism"
“民粹主义”“民粹主义”“民粹主义”“民粹主义”“民粹主义” 。
Many of these movements in the U.S. and in Europe have been led by outsiders, populists, who want to dismantle the establishment.
美国和欧洲的很多民族主义运动都是由想要瓦解当下的体制的局外人和民粹主义者发起的 。
in Japan that's not the case; people like Shinzo Abe are through and through establishment politicians.
但日本不是这样;因为安倍晋三那些人都是彻头彻尾的当权派政客 。
There isn't a disruptive figure who's coming in from the outside and winning elections.
日本并不存在从外面进来的并赢得大选的搅屎棍 。
While the rise of rightwing nationalism is similar between Japan and the United States and the West,
it's still fundamentally quite different and it appears that the rise of a Japanese Donald Trump is still a ways off.
但两者仍然存在根本性的不同,短期内日本似乎也不会出现一个日本特朗普 。