OK, so when do you play Monopoly?
好 你什么时候会玩大富翁?
I have not played Monopoly since I was, like, ten. So…
我从10岁左右就不玩大富翁了 所以
Now I play it when I’m at my parents’ house, if there’s a big family gathering.
现在只有在父母家 一大家子都在的时候我才会玩
I don’t ever play Monopoly.
Basically, you played Monopoly when you were a kid or when you were stuck inside.
So, I talked to somebody who played Monopoly in a ballroom in the Venetian hotel in Macau.
所以 我跟一个在澳门威尼斯酒店的舞厅里玩大富翁的人聊了聊
I’m Brian Valentine.
我叫Brian Valentine
I was the United States representative to the Monopoly World Championships in 2015, where I finished third amongst the 28 competitors.
2015年 我作为美国代表参加了大富翁世界锦标赛 在28名选手中名列第三
He taught me all the right ways to play Monopoly — and even make the game a little shorter.
他教会了我所有玩大富翁的正确方法 甚至缩短了游戏时间
All the rules, odds, and strategies that can actually help you win.
所有的规则 胜算和能助你获胜的策略
This is a Monopoly board from... ..Target...but I took it with me to Macau and asked all the players to sign it for me. Just as a keepsake.
这是一个大富翁板 从Target买的 不过我把它带到了香港 还让所有玩家给我签了名 作为纪念品
I’m almost getting into sports cliches talking about Monopoly,
提到大富翁 我基本上说的都是些陈腔滥调
but I I was very humbling to have made it that far against players who are the best in their country and who are fantastic people.
不过我在跟这个国家最好的玩家 也是非常友好的人玩的时候 取得这种成就还是挺羞愧的
And this Monopoly genius, he knows heatmaps and housing arbitrage and strategy — but he just wants you to follow the rules.
这位大富翁天才 他知道热点图 房屋套利和策略 不过他只想让你遵守规则
OK, what happens on free parking?
好 免费停车是什么情况?
Do you, like, collect money from people?
你 会从大家那里筹钱吗?
There’s no money under free parking, I guess that’s the biggest.
免费停车是没有钱的 我猜那才是最大的
You don’t put money under free parking, people see as a chance to equalize the game that’s stacked against them.
你不能把钱放在免费停车的地方 人们认为这是一个机会 可以让对他们不利的游戏变得公平
If you keep putting money in the game, it stops the progress.
如果你一直往游戏里加钱 那就没法推进了
People don’t play the game by the rules. If they did, it wouldn’t take quite so long.
人们不会根据规则来玩这个游戏 否则的话游戏会耗时很久
Do you auction stuff off? No.
I remember reading it on the back of the card, but I don’t remember — I remember that always feeling a little over my head in terms of play.
我记得在卡片背面看到过 但我不记得了——我记得在玩的时候我总会有点搞不大懂
If you land on it and don’t want it, it’s got to go up for auction on the spot.
如果你落在了某个地方 但却不想要它 那它就会成为拍卖地点
Somebody can buy it. You can start the bidding at a dollar.
别人可以买它 你可以从1美元开始投标
I’ve seen it happen, and I’ve seen someone take Boardwalk for 20 bucks.
我看见过 还见过有人花20美元买下Boardwalk
Once you have the rules in order, you’ve gotta go with the strategy.
只要你有了规则 就一定要坚守你的策略
What’s the best spot in Monopoly? Oh, I’m sure it’s like Boardwalk.
大富翁里最好的位置是什么?哦 那肯定是Boardwalk了
That’s the glamour, that’s the trademark of Monopoly, it’s Boardwalk - you gotta get it.
它是大富翁的魅力所在 是它的标志 Boardwalk 你一定要得到它
The object of the game is to take everyone’s money and be the only person left in the game.
这个游戏的目的是赢得所有人的钱 并成为最后一个留在游戏里的人
While Boardwalk certainly offers the prospect of that — $2000 when you get a hotel on it — think about what it costs to get there.
虽然“Boardwalk”确实提供了这样的前景——如果你在上面建个酒店 它就价值2000美元了——想想得到它要花多少钱
You’ve got to buy each of the two properties.
Then it’s 200 dollars, per house per property, until you get to that level.
然后是200美元 一栋房子一个财产 直到你达到那个等级
So that’s another thousand dollars on each one to then get $2000 back.
也就是说你每一个需要花1000美元 才能把那2000美元挣回来
And there are only two of them, right?
而且这种地盘只有两个 对吧?
Most of the other Monopolies have three spaces that you can hit and then draw rent.
多数其他版本的大富翁有三个地盘供你购买 然后出租
If you are building up Boardwalk and Park Place before anybody else has built Monopolies up against you, hell yeah, go for it.
如果你能在别人对你垄断之前 建好Boardwalk和Park Place 那就太好了 赶紧建吧
But if you’re in a situation where other folks have Monopolies on that hot side of the board,
and you’re waiting to throw the haymaker, if you will, on Boardwalk and Park Place, that’s a loser more than it’s a winner.
你准备伺机而动 对Boardwalk和Park Place发出猛烈一击 那你更有可能会输
You can go on any website and learn the basic parlor trick that the oranges are the best Monopoly to have.
你可以去任何网站上学一些小技巧 橙色区域是大富翁里最好的地盘
Are you gonna now show a chart of the Monopoly board with a heat map?
I’m sad to say that I will. I knew that existed.
很抱歉我会的 我知道有这种东西
The reason that that is so is because jail is one of the most often landed on spaces in the game.
之所以如此是因为在这个游戏里 监狱是最容易落定的位置之一
The fact that the common role is 7, then 7 from jail — while not an actual property, it’s Community Chest —
最常见的数字是7 从监狱走7步——并不是实际财产 只是公益金——
6 and 8, the next most likely numbers, are St. James and Tennessee Avenue.
6和8 是可能性第二高的数字 是St. James和Tennessee Avenue
So you know that the oranges are likely to get hit on.
And also, by extension, the section between jail and go to jail that side’s the side you want to be building on.
所以引申开来 监狱和入狱之间的那片区域 是你最想盖房子的区域
It’s feast or famine on the other side of the board.
游戏板的另一侧要么富得流油 要么鸟不拉屎
So there’s a couple more strategies that are on the practical, not so mathy end.
If you get to jail early, go ahead pay up, get out of there.
如果你很快就入狱了 那就尽早出钱 离开监狱
You can also use your houses as weapons to control the game.
You have 32 houses in the game.
You’ve got to build houses before you can build hotels.
The houses have to be physically present to be bought, which is why, in a lot of circles you’ll hear people say about creating a housing shortage.
房子必须得是真实存在的才能买卖 这也就是你经常听到人们说创造住房紧张的原因
You want to get to the four house level so you can pull the trigger and get hotels if you need to, or you can sit on the four houses and keep other people from having them.
你要达到有四个房子的水平 这样才能盖旅馆 或者你可以占着这四个房子 不让别人买
OK, so final question. So when I say what is the right way to play Monopoly, how do you respond?
好 最后一个问题 我问你大富翁的正确打开方法是什么的时候 你是怎么说的?
The right way to play Monopoly is just...don’t play it.
大富翁的正确打开方法是 压根不要打开它
Don’t steal from the bank. And that goes out to my cousins when we played when we were ten.
别想去偷银行 这句话是10岁跟表兄弟们玩大富翁的时候 我告诉他们的
I would say, is it just like, to win? How to win? With honor.
我会说 它就是为了赢吗?怎么赢呢?带着荣誉去赢
It’s almost, sometimes, you feel like you have this Renaissance era sense of honor and dignity.
有时候 你会感觉到那种文艺复兴时期的荣誉和尊严
Not that we’re going around slapping each other with gloves having duels or anything like that.
But...that’s the thing that keeps coming to me is honor.
而是 我经常感受到的感觉就是荣誉
Playing Monopoly allows you to get to know people in a way that formal introductions or being coworkers, or whatever, doesn’t quite show.
玩大富翁游戏可以让你以另一种方式去了解别人 这是正式介绍或做同事所无法做到的
Because in an hour and half, two hour game, you’re gonna see how people handle adversity,
因为在一个一个半小时到两小时的游戏里 你会看到人们如何应对逆境
you’re gonna see how people handle success, you’re gonna see, bundled in this short format, that allows you to see who a person is.
看到他们如何应对成功 当你和大家一起被困在游戏里的时候 你会看到他们是什么样的人
Ahhh...shhh….it’s Monopoly, we’re talking about Monopoly.
啊 是大富翁 我们聊的是大富翁