October 11th, 2002. On Capitol Hill, the Senate joins the House in authorizing US military force against Iraq.
2002年10月11日,在美国国会山,参议院和众议院一起授权美国对伊拉克动武 。
Arizona Republican John McCain says Saddam Hussein must comply with the UN on giving up weapons of mass destruction or else.
亚利桑那州共和党人约翰·麦凯恩表示,萨达姆·侯赛因必须遵守联合国关于放弃大规模杀伤性武器的规定 。
"Allowing him to remain in power with the resources at his disposal,
would intolerably and inevitably risk American interests in a region of the world, where threats to those interests affect the whole world."
将不可避免地威胁到美国在世界地区的利益,这些对美国利益的威胁会影响到整个世界 。”
But West Virginia Democrat Robert Byrd accuses the White House of a power grab.
但西弗吉尼亚州民主党人罗伯特·伯德指责白宫攫取权力 。
"The Bush administration wants that President to have the power to launch this nation into war,
without provocation and without clear evidence of an imminent attack on the United, and we're going to be foolish enough to give it to him."
对外发动战争,而我们将傻乎乎的把这个权力交给他 。”
Also that same year. Former President Jimmy Carter wins the Nobel Peace Prize, honored for years of peacemaking efforts.
同年,前总统吉米·卡特获诺贝尔和平奖,以表彰他多年来为和平所做的努力 。
1991. In Washington, Anita Hill testifies before a Senate panel about her claims that
Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas sexually harassed her.
她声称最高法院候选人克拉伦斯·托马斯对她进行了性骚扰 。
Thomas denies the claims, denouncing the hearings as a "high-tech lynching". The senate ultimately confirms Thomas.
托马斯否认了这些指控,并谴责听证会是一场“高科技私刑” 。参议院最终批准了托马斯 。
1962. Pope John the 23rd convenes the Second Vatican Council, whose meetings reshaped the Catholic Church.
1962年,教皇约翰第二十三世召集第二次梵蒂冈会议,会议重塑了天主教会 。
And 1975. The comedy sketch show "Saturday Night Live" premieres on NBC.
1975年,喜剧小品节目《周六夜现场》在NBC首播 。
Today in History, October 11th, Camille Bohannon, the Associated Press.
以上是10月11日《历史上的今天》,美联社卡米尔·博汉农为您播报 。