On February 14th 2019, a suicide bomber attacked a convoy of Indian security forces.
2019年2月14日,一名自杀式炸弹袭击者袭击了印度安全部队的车队 。
"We're getting reports of multiple casualties in a roadside..."
He killed at least 40 Indian soldiers here in Kashmir.
他在克什米尔,也就是这里,杀害了至少40名印度士兵 。
"The deadliest attack the region has seen this century."
“这是本世纪以来该地区发生的最为致命的一次袭击 。”
The bomber was part of an Islamic militant group based in Pakistan.
这名炸弹袭击者是巴基斯坦境内某伊斯兰激进组织的成员 。
"Jaish-e-Mohammed claimed responsibility for that attack."
“穆罕默德军声承认是他们发动的袭击 。”
12 days later, India carried out airstrikes in Northwestern Pakistan.
12天后,印度对巴基斯坦西北部发动了空袭 。
Then Pakistan shot down at least one Indian aircraft around here.
之后,巴基斯坦在这里击落了至少一架印度飞机 。
Tensions rose between the two rival nations.
原本就成敌对之势的两个国家之间的紧张局势进一步加剧 。
"Escalate" "Escalate" "Escalate" "The most serious escalation in years."
“升级”,“升级”,“升级”,“近年来事态最严重的一次升级 。”
Kashmir is one of the most disputed places on Earth.
克什米尔是全世界最具争议的地区之一 。
Over the course of 70 years, it’s been at the center of three wars fought between two massive armies.
过去70年里,双方都很庞大的两支军队之间陆续爆发了三场战争,而克什米尔回回都是战争的焦点 。
It's heavily occupied by more than half a million Indian troops and a deadly collection of militias and terrorist groups.
克什米尔驻满了50多万印度军队和一批令人闻风丧胆的民兵及恐怖组织 。
Kashmir is the stage for the relentless conflict between India and Pakistan.
也是印度和巴基斯坦不断交恶的舞台 。
But focusing on the two countries can obscure what's really at stake:
The voice of Kashmiris who are caught in a vicious cycle of violence.
被迫陷入无限循环的暴力之中的克什米尔人的心声 。
Whenever there is any conflict between India and Pakistan, Kashmir is always the battleground.
“印度和巴基斯坦每次发生冲突,克什米尔都会变成他们的战场 。”
"Kashmir is a disputed area. It neither belongs to India--nor belongs to Pakistan."
“克什米尔是一个有争议的地区 。它既不属于印度,也不属于巴基斯坦 。”
"Two giants--nuclear giants. We're nothing in between them."
“两个大国,还都是核大国 。我们夹在中间什么也不是 。”
"There's always uncertainty. You know, you never know what is going to happen."
“形势永远难料,你永远都不知道接下来会发生什么 。”
"It can be a hartal (protest). It can be a strike. Anybody can be killed any time."
“可能是一场抗议 。也可能是一场罢工 。任何人随时都可能被杀死 。”
"We are the pawns in their hands."
“我们就是他们手中的棋子 。”
It's a mess. It is a mess. And we're being affected in every possible direct and indirect way.
“克什米尔就是个烂摊子,彻头彻尾的烂摊子 。我们生活的方方面面都受到了直接或间接的影响 。”
I've been born in this conflict. And I have to die within this conflict.
“我就是在这种冲突中出生的 。也会在这场冲突中死去 。”
Kashmir is one of the most strategic places in the world, where 3 powerful countries collide: India, Pakistan, and China.
与印度、巴基斯坦和中国这三个大国接壤的克什米尔堪称世界上最具战略意义的地区之一 。
China invaded and took this slice of Kashmir from India. And was given this one by Pakistan.
中国入侵并从印度手中夺取了克什米尔的这块地方,后来又从巴基斯坦手里接过了这个地区 。
India and Pakistan control these parts, but lay claim to more.
印度和巴基斯坦则分别控制着这些地区,但都宣称拥有更多主权 。
This region is at the center of a brutal conflict over these disputed borders.
这些充满争议的边界引发了残酷的冲突,而该地区就是这场冲突的关键 。
So it's important to start when they were being drawn.
所以,我们不妨从这些边境线划定之初开始说起 。
In the mid-1800s, India was a patchwork of several hundred provinces and princely states under British rule.
19世纪中期的印度是由几百个处于英国统治之下的省份和土邦组成的 。
A century later, when British India won independence, the British left and hastily decided to split the region into two.
一个世纪后,英属印度赢得了独立,英国人撤离印度,匆忙决定将该地区一分为二 。
These areas would be a new Muslim-majority country, Pakistan.
这些地区将成为一个穆斯林占多数的新国家——巴基斯坦 。
And this would be the mostly Hindu, but secular, India.
这些地区则成为一个印度教徒占多数的世俗国家——印度 。
The partition was bloody.
两个国家分裂的过程十分血腥 。
"Communal hatred flares up in the Punjab.
“旁遮普邦爆发了集体流血事件 。”
1 million people become refugees overnight.
上百万人在一夜之间成了难民 。
They flee from savagery and butchery that has never been exceeded, even in India's stormy history."
试图逃离残酷程度哪怕是整个印度风风雨雨的历史上都无出其右的野蛮和屠杀 。”
Amid the chaos, some princely states were given the choice to join either country.
在混乱之中,一些土邦也被给予了加入印巴任何一个国家的选择 。
In most cases, the ruling monarchs followed the will of their people.
大多数情况下,土邦的王公都会遵循人民的意愿 。
But this state, called "Jammu & Kashmir" was different.
然而,这个叫“查谟和克什米尔”的土邦情况有些特殊 。
It was right along this new border and had a Muslim-majority population, but was ruled by a Hindu monarch.
因为它就位于这条新边界之上,其人口以穆斯林为主,但统治这一土邦的王公是一名印度教徒 。
When asked to pick a side, the ruler chose to stay neutral.
当被要求选择印度还是巴基斯坦时,这位王公选择了中立 。
Fearing that the monarch would join India, the Kashmiri population rebelled here in 1947.
1947年,担心王公会加入印度的克什米尔人在这里发动了起义 。
Armed tribesmen from Pakistan soon joined the fight.
很快,巴基斯坦部落成员也带着武器加入了战斗 。
The monarch turned to India for military help and in exchange agreed to join them, which sparked the first Indo-Pakistan war in Kashmir.
王公便向印度寻求军事援助,作为条件,他同意了加入印度,由此引发了印巴两国在克什米尔的第一次战争 。
Continuing wars increased the threat to world peace and brought the dispute to the attention of the United Nations.
“持续不断的战争不仅对世界和平构成了威胁,也让这一争端引起了联合国的注意 。”
The UN Security Council brokered a ceasefire in 1949,
which established this line with Pakistan controlling this side and India this one.
划定了这条停火线,这一侧由巴方控制,这一侧则由印方控制 。
It also asked Pakistani tribesmen to withdraw and Indian troops to follow,
so that Kashmir could hold a direct vote to decide its own future.
这样克什米尔就可以直接投票决定自己的未来 。
But neither held up their end of the deal.
但双方都没有遵守协议内容 。
Pakistan argued that Kashmir’s Muslim-majority population rightfully belonged with them.
巴基斯坦争辩说,占克什米尔人口多数的穆斯林人群理应归入巴基斯坦 。
While India insisted that Kashmir was handed over to them by the Hindu monarch.
而印度则坚称克什米尔是由其印度教主公移交给他们的 。
So they doubled down and added Kashmir to their constitution.
还趁热打铁,将克什米尔纳入了他们的宪法 。
The vote was never held.
计划中的投票从未真正落实 。
"I think every person in Kashimir has been affected by India and Pakistan."
“我认为卡什米尔的每个人都受到了印度和巴基斯坦的影响 。”
"Kashimir completely destroyed. By India, as well as, by Pakistan."
“克什米尔已经完全被毁掉了,既是被印度毁掉的,也是被巴基斯坦毁掉的 。”
"This is a territorial dispute, they call it. They don't need people."
“他们称克什米尔问题是领土争端 。他们根本就不需要我们这些克什米尔的百姓 。”
"The main stakeholders are the Kashmiris. Their opinions are not being heard."
“承担风险的主要是克什米尔人 。他们的心声并没有得到倾听 。”
Both countries continued to tighten their grip around it for decades.
几十年来,两国都在继续加强对克什米尔的控制 。
Kashmir. Fighting is going on and heavy casualties in men and equipment have been inflicted on the aggressor.
“克什米尔 。战斗仍在继续,侵略者的人员伤亡和装备损失都很惨重 。”
In 1965, the 2nd Indo-Pakistani war broke out in Kashmir.
1965年,第二次印巴战争在克什米尔爆发 。
Thousands of people were killed between the huge armies on both sides.
双方的军队都很庞大,也都有数千人牺牲 。
A ceasefire ended the war, but didn’t change this line.
停火协议再次结束了战争,但并没能改变这条线 。
Kashmir was kept divided and occupied.
克什米尔也依旧处于分裂和占领状态 。