Voice 2: Edward and Stephen care about the suffering of others.
声音2:爱德华和史蒂文关心别人的痛苦 。
Voice 1: Ending suffering takes courage. The stories we heard today were of four courageous young people. Each of them is trying to end suffering in their community. They realize that there is an unfair balance between those who enjoy much and those who suffer much. Many more people around them are suffering.
声音1:终结痛苦需要勇气 。我们今天听到的故事来自4个勇敢的年轻人 。他们每个人都在努力终结自己社区的痛苦 。他们发现了享受幸福和遭受痛苦的人之间存在着不公平的平衡 。他们周围还有更多人在受苦 。
Voice 2: We all live in lands where suffering exists. We cannot end suffering alone. But working together we can help to lessen the suffering in our communities. Let today’s stories encourage you.
声音2:我们都生活在存在痛苦的土地上 。我们不能独自终结痛苦 。但是我们团结起来能帮助减轻社区里的痛苦 。希望今天的故事能鼓励你们 。