Next on Jonathan Bird's Blue World, weird sharks that live on the ocean floor!
Hi, I'm Jonathan Bird and welcome to my world!
This is a fearsome predator. It looks like a blob, or perhaps an algae-covered rock.
这是只十分吓人的捕食者,它看起来像水滴鱼,或者是块顶部有藻类的岩石 。
But it's a shark, blending into the sea floor, waiting for small fish to come within striking range. The shark is called a Wobbegong, and I have come all the way to Australia to find this unusual fish.
但它却是一条鲨鱼,和海底环境融为一体,等待小鱼游进捕食范围 。这种鲨鱼叫做为“斑纹须”,我专程到澳大利亚来寻找这种不同寻常的鱼 。
It's a beautiful morning in the Gold Coast region of southern Queensland, Australia, and Palm Beach Dive center is putting their boat in the water.
这是澳大利亚昆士兰南部黄金海岸地区一个美丽的清晨,棕榈滩潜水中心正将他们的船放入水中 。
I load my gear while the crew prepares scuba tanks.
我带好装备,船员正在准备氧气瓶 。
The dive master is my good friend Glen Holmes who grew up here. I met him ten years ago in the Caribbean, and he promised that if I flew all the way to Australia, he would show me some very cool Wobbegongs. So here I am!
潜水长是我的朋友格伦·福尔摩斯,他就在这长大 。我十年前在加勒比海见过他,他保证如果我飞到澳大利亚,他会带我去看一些超酷的斑纹须 。所以我就来啦!
We pull away from the dock and head out to sea.
我们离开码头,出海去了 。
We're heading out to a dive site called Julian Rocks in search of Wobbegongs.
我们要去一个叫做朱利安岩石的潜水点寻找斑纹须 。
Captain Herb is driving the boat and we have about hour to get there.
赫伯船长驾驶着这艘船,大约一个小时才能到那里 。
We arrive at a small desolate island—barely more than a rock--and start getting ready.
我们来到一个荒凉的小岛,它只不过是一块石头而已 。随后,我们开始准备 。
Glenn has been diving here for 20 years and he knows where the sharks are. I suit up and prepare myself for chilly water!
格伦在这里潜水有20年了,他知道鲨鱼在哪 。我穿好潜水衣,准备潜入冰冷的海水!
Well, lets go see if we can find a Wobbegong!
I go over the side and follow Glenn as we search for Wobbegongs.
我跟在格伦身边,寻找斑纹须 。
This region is right at the edge of the tropics, so there isn't much coral. The bottom is covered mostly in seaweed and rocks.
这个地区位于热带的边缘区域,所以珊瑚不太多 。海底主要覆盖的是海草和岩石 。
Under an overhang I find my first Wobbegong shark. It's a big Ornate Wobbegong, almost as long as me!
在一块向外凸出的岩石下面,我发现了第一条斑纹须 。它是一条极其漂亮的巨型斑纹须,几乎和我一样长!
Wobbegong sharks have adapted to live camouflaged on the bottom, rarely moving a muscle until a meal-sized fish comes into range.
斑纹须鲨鱼已经适应在海底披着伪装色生活,它很少移动,除非有个头足够充饥的鱼进入捕食范围时它才会行动 。
It's called an ambush predator because it waits for the prey to come within striking range and then lunges for it, rather than trying to chase prey around. If any of those fish above its head get too close, they will get gulped down!
它是一种伏击性捕食动物,因为它等待猎物进入攻击范围,然后向它猛扑,而不是追着猎物四处跑 。如果它头上的鱼离得太近,它会把它们都吞下去!
Nearby, A Spotted Wobbegong tries to get comfortable. Even though there are millions of tiny silver fish swarming above its head, this Wobbegong isn't feeding. It's stuffed.
不远处,一条带斑点的斑纹须想让自己舒服些 。尽管有数以百万计的银色小鱼在它头上成群地游来游去,但这条斑纹须却并不捕食,它已经吃饱了 。
Every Wobbegong here has been gorging itself for days. They can barely move.
这里的每一条斑纹须都狂吃了好几天,它们现在几乎一动不动 。
Moving out into deeper water, I find several Sand Tiger sharks, often called Grey Nurse sharks in Australia. These sharks look and act a lot more like a typical shark.
向深海游动时,我发现了几条沙虎鲨,在澳大利亚通常被称为灰虎鲨 。这些鲨鱼的外形和行为更像典型的鲨鱼 。
They let me get pretty close for some pictures.
我离它们非常近,拍了一些照片 。
Not too long ago, people thought all sharks had to keep swimming like the sand tiger, to keep water moving over their gills.
不久前,人们还认为所有鲨鱼都必须像沙虎鲨一样不停地游动,这样才能让水从它们的鳃部流过 。
For some species, like the hammerhead, this is true. Hammerheads must keep swimming at all times or they'll drown. They never rest on the bottom.
对于一些鲨种,比如双髻鲨,确实如此 。双髻鲨必须一直游泳,否则就会淹死 。它们从不在海底休息 。
But many species of sharks sometimes stop swimming and rest on the bottom. Here a Lemon shark is taking a break on the sand, gulping water through its mouth to ventilate its gills.
但许多种鲨鱼有时会停止游动,在海底休息 。一条柠檬鲨正停在沙子上休息,它从口中吞入水,再让水流过鳃部通气 。
Here's a pair of Nurse sharks, common in the Caribbean, also resting on the sand. They're not in the mood to socialize. As I approach, they swim off.
这是一对护士鲨鱼,常见于加勒比海,它们也停留在沙滩上 。它们不想和我打招呼,我靠近时,它们就游走了 。
Wobbegongs on the other hand, spend their entire lives on the bottom, patiently waiting for prey. They very rarely swim because it gives away their position.
而对于斑纹须来说,它们一生都生活在海底,耐心地等待着猎物 。它们很少游动,因为那样会泄露它们的位置 。
Although there are more than 400 species of sharks, you might be surprised to learn that a huge number of them look nothing like the typical predator most of us associate with sharks, like these Caribbean reef sharks.
尽管鲨鱼有400多种,但你可能会惊讶地发现,它们中的许多种类与我们大多数人联想到的鲨鱼这种典型的捕食者一点也不像,比如这种加勒比海礁鲨 。
Of course, the Wobbegong look nothing like a reef shark.
当然,斑纹须看起来一点也不像礁石鲨 。
In 2006, a new species of bottom-dwelling shark was discovered in Indonesia. It belongs to a group of sharks called epaulette sharks.
2006年,在印度尼西亚发现了一种在海底生活的新鲨种,它属于一种叫做肩章鲨的鲨鱼 。
What made this one different is the fact that it actually walks along the bottom on its fins, so they called it the Walking shark.
这种鲨鱼的与众不同之处在于它用鳍在海底行走,所以把它们叫做走路鲨 。
Cameraman Pierre and I charter a traditional Indonesian Pinisi and set off to a remote region of Indonesia to find this elusive shark!
As the sun sets, we board the inflatable boat and head to the dive site.
太阳下山时,我们坐上充气船,前往潜水地点 。
I've come to a remote reef in Papua, Indonesia, to find a really weird shark!
The walking shark is usually only found at night. So Pierre and I search the reef in the dark after sunset.
通常只在晚上才能看到走路鲨,所以在日落后,我和皮埃尔在一片漆黑中搜寻暗礁 。
It takes a while, but we find the little shark. It doesn't like our lights at all, and getting any decent shots of it proves difficult. But you can see how it walks on its fins!
我们花了一些时间,终于找到了这种小鲨鱼 。它一点也不喜欢我们的灯光,想拍个像样的镜头都很难 。但你可以看到它是如何用鳍走路的!
Not exactly a fearsome predator. This little shark hides from us in the reef.
它不是一种可怕的捕食者,这条小鲨鱼躲在暗礁里不让我们看到 。
The next day, I suit up and roll off the inflatable boat again. This time we're searching the reef for another Wobbegong.
第二天,我穿好潜水衣,再次从充气船上潜入海中 。这一次我们要在暗礁上寻找另一条斑纹须 。
The most common Wobbegong on Indonesian reefs is called the tasseled Wobbegong. Its tassels located around the edge of its head allow it to blend in to the bottom really well by disguising its shape.
印尼珊瑚礁上最常见的斑纹须被称为毯鲨,它的穗饰位于头部边缘,与海底巧妙的融为一体,掩藏自己的外形 。
On a typical reef, this shark blends right in!
It's very confident in its camouflage and won't move, even if I get really close.
它对自己的伪装很有信心,即使我离得很近了,它还是一动不动 。
The Wobbegong has a clever way of breathing. Instead of gulping water in through its mouth, it has a set of spiracles, almost like nostrils, right in front of the gills.
斑纹须有一种巧妙的呼吸方法,它不是用嘴把水吞进去,而是在鳃的正前方有一组类似鼻孔的呼吸孔 。
Water goes in through the spiracles, and then back out through the gills. It's an adaptation for a shark that spends a lot of time flat on the bottom.
水通过呼吸孔流入,然后通过鳃流出 。这是那些要在海底待很久的鲨鱼演变出来的的一种适应方式 。
So sharks are a diverse group of animals, and they don't all look the same.
所以说,鲨鱼是一种多样化的动物群体,它们看起来并不一样 。
The walking shark and Wobbegong are all examples of the amazing kinds of bottom-dwelling sharks.
走路鲨和斑纹须都是生活在海底的神奇的鲨鱼 。