Are you feeling overwhelmed from work, struggling to stay on top of all your classes?
Maybe everything is happening all at once. They say that when it rains it pours.
或许一切都发生的那么突然 。人们说祸不单行 。
When you're feeling low, it's easy to convince yourself to stay there.
当你感觉心情低落时很容易就让自己停留在这里 。
After all, how can you fall when you're already on the ground?
Nevertheless, your heart wants to heal so give it what it wants.
但你的心想要被治愈,那么就随它所愿吧 。
Help yourself get back on your feet with these five self-care tips when you're feeling broken.
当你感觉糟糕时,利用以下五种自我照顾法帮助自己振作起来 。
1. Step outside for some fresh air.
1. 去外边呼吸新鲜空气 。
Our thoughts can be even louder than the ruckus of busy cities.
我们的思绪甚至可以比繁忙都市的喧嚣还要吵闹 。
Whether you're still a student in school or constantly working in front of a computer,
it's easy to feel congested by deadlines, projects and never-ending tasks.
大家都很容易被截止日期、项目和做不完的任务填满 。
Make use of your mornings, lunch breaks and evenings when you're off the clock to step outside for walks.
利用清晨、午休和晚上这些非工作时间出去散散步 。
This will help clear your head and improve your mood.
这将帮助清理你的头脑,改善你的心情 。
In Japan, going for walks in the woods is called shinrin-yoku, which means taking in the atmosphere of the forest.
在日本,在森林中散步被称为森林浴,意思是吸收森林的氛围 。
In one study at Kyoto University, researchers discovered that the scent of fresh pine helps reduce one's levels of anxiety and depression.
在东京大学的一项研究中,研究人员发现新鲜松树的气味能帮助减少焦虑和抑郁 。
Spending time outdoors also helps improve our concentration.
待在户外也能帮助提高你的注意力 。
We aren't meant to experience life in stuffy bubbles, even if you can't step outside right away,
crack open a window when you can and allow nature to heal you.
可以的话,请打开窗户,让自然治愈你 。
2. Take a nap.
2. 小睡一下 。
When we don't get enough sleep, our moods can take a turn for the worse and spiral down into an endless abyss.
睡眠不充足时,我们的心情会更糟糕,会陷入无尽的深渊之中 。
If you're feeling cranky from exhaustion, take some time, even if it's just half an hour to curl up on the couch and close your eyes.
如果你因劳累而暴躁,休息一会,即便只有半个小时的时间可以闭上眼睛蜷缩在沙发里 。
There's no shame in closing the curtains, flicking off the lights and allowing yourself to recharge.
拉上窗帘、关灯,让自己补充能量 。
Once you wake up, you'll feel better rested and you'll make up for lost time by carrying out your daily tasks with a fresh and sharp mind.
一旦你醒来,你会感觉更加精力充沛,你可以保持清醒敏锐的头脑完成日常任务以弥补逝去的时光 。
3. Allow yourself to be ordinary.
3. 允许自己成为一个普通人 。
We are all perfectly imperfect.
我们都是不完美的人 。
Take a break from using Instagram filters and Facebook posts that show your life only at its best.
从Ins的滤镜和Facebook的完美生活中解脱出来,休息一会 。
Social media is a place where we can share our favorite moments with others
but it has also become a platform where people feel pressured to compete with others.
但它也成为了人们感受到相互攀比高压的平台 。
Sometimes, it feels more like a beauty pageant instead of a second home.
有时,这更像是一个选美比赛而非第二个家 。
You don't owe anyone a performance. Your sense of self is worth more than a digitalized reputation,
你不需要为任何人表演 。你的自我感知比数字化的名声更重要,
embrace your flaws and allow yourself to be average, simple and sincere is always better.
所以接受自己的缺点,允许自己成为一个普通人,简单和真诚总是更好的 。
4. Clean and give your space a makeover.
4. 清洁,让自己房间焕然一新 。
Cleaning doesn't have to be overly excessive to make a difference.
不必为了焕然一新而过度装饰 。
Whether it means organizing your bookshelf or clipping your favorite photos onto the wall, changes, big or small can enhance the atmosphere.
不管是整理书架还是修建墙上的照片,不论大小,只要有改变就可以改善氛围 。
After all, you spend a lot of time in your space. Giving it some love and attention can go a long way.
毕竟,大部分时间你都在这里度过 。给予它一些爱和关注可以大有帮助 。
5. Reach out and tell someone about what you've been going through.
5. 联系朋友并告诉他们你的境况 。
Feeling down often leads to shutting down.
情绪消沉通常会导致心门的关闭 。
We fear burdening others and as this develops into a habit, we suffer silently making it harder to heal.
我们担心成为别人的负担,当这养成习惯,一切会在无声中变得更加难以治愈 。
Don't feel ashamed about your struggles, sometimes you just need someone to hear your story.
不要为自己的挣扎感到羞愧,有时你只是需要有人倾听你的故事 。
You'd be surprised with how much people understand you. As a bonus, you'll also end up strengthening your relationships.
你会惊讶的发现原来有人可以这么懂你 。作为奖励,你们之间的关系也增强啦 。
What do you do to take care of yourself when you feel broken? Please share your thoughts with us below.
当你心情不好的时候,你是怎么照顾自己的呢?请在下方分享你的想法 。
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