You may have heard Stockholm syndrome mentioned when people talk about things like true crime or Beauty and the Beast.
当人们在谈论真实犯罪或是《美女与野兽》这样的故事时,你应该会听他们说到斯德哥尔摩综合症 。
But what is it really, where did the term come from, why does it happen and how common is it.
Well you're in luck for some answers. We did the research so you don't have to.
大家非常幸运,我们做了一些研究为大家回答这些问题 。
The robbery that named the condition.
为该症状定名的抢劫案 。
Stockholm syndrome is generally defined as the occurrence
where hostages form emotional attachments to their captors and/or begin to feel sympathy for them.
被劫持人质形成了对俘虏者的情感依附并/或开始同情他们 。
Criminologist and psychiatrist Nils Boudreau first coined the term Stockholm syndrome in 1973.
刑事学家兼精神病学家Nils Boudreau在1973年首次造出新词—斯德哥尔摩综合症 。
That year four people were held hostage during a bank robbery in Stockholm Sweden.
在那一年,瑞典斯德哥尔摩的一家银行发生抢劫案,四人被劫持 。
Yet upon being released, the hostages didn't show any anger towards their captor
instead they defended him and even refused to testify against him in court.
相反,他们还为他辩护,甚至拒绝在法庭上作证 。
Since then Stockholm syndrome has been spotted in various situations not just hostages in kidnappings.
自那时起,各种各样的案件中,不仅仅是绑架案中都出现了斯德哥尔摩综合症 。
It has been recorded in victims of sexual abuse, human trafficking, discrimination, terror and political and religious oppression as well.
记录在案的有:性侵案、贩卖人口、歧视、恐怖行动以及政治和宗教压迫中的受害者 。
The circumstances that created.
创造的环境 。
Psychologists believe that this reaction happens as a coping mechanism and can occur as a result of hopelessness and frustration.
心理学家认为这种反应是一种应对机制,无助和绝望都会引发这种症状 。
A victim may feel the police aren't doing their job well enough which creates a resentment that the captor can relate to.
受害者可能觉得警察没有尽职,因而会和劫持者一样产生对警察的愤恨 。
However, the victim doesn't automatically agree with their oppressor.
但受害者不会不自觉地和他们的压迫者站成一线 。
In almost all cases of Stockholm Syndrome, the captor has to spend face-to-face time with the victim for this to occur.
在几乎所有斯德哥尔摩综合症案例中,俘虏者需要和受害者面对面相处才会出现这种症状 。
Gradually the victim may start to view them more as a person than a villain.
渐渐地,受害者开始将他们看成是普通人而非坏人 。
The dark results of Stockholm syndrome.
斯德哥尔摩综合症的恶劣结果 。
Once released, victims of abduction or those situations listed above may develop the following symptoms,
compassion for one's captor, refusal to admit their wrongdoing, flashbacks of the event,
increased aggression, depression, guilt and post-traumatic stress disorder.
更具攻击性、抑郁症、内疚以及创伤后紧张症 。
They may also develop a dependency on their aggressor where they feel they cannot survive without them.
他们也可能对俘虏者产生一种依赖,会觉得没有他们就活不下去 。
The good news is most people in hostage situations do not develop Stockholm syndrome.
好消息是被劫持的大部分人都不会出现斯德哥尔摩综合症 。
The rarity of captor compassion.
同情俘虏者的罕见性 。
The FBI's Hostage Barricade System says that 92% of people in these circumstances
do not present any symptoms that would indicate Stockholm Syndrome.
都没有出现任何斯德哥尔摩综合症的症状 。
However, it is still very real and should be taken seriously.
但这种情况仍然存在且应被严肃对待 。
How serious can it get?
Each person's reaction to a hostage situation is different.
每个人对人质劫持的反应都是不一样的 。
However, there are a few famous examples where the attachment one had to their abductor went very far.
但在几个著名案例中,人质对劫持者的依附远远超过界限 。
Natascha Kampusch.
Natascha Kampusch was abducted as a child in 1998.
1998年还是孩子的娜塔莎·坎普希被诱拐 。
After her abusers death, she kept a picture of him in her wallet and even bought the house she was held in.
虐待她的人死后,她在钱包中留了一张他的照片,甚至买下了囚禁她的那幢房子 。
Patty Hearst.
After Patty Hearst, the granddaughter of William Hearst was taken by a terrorist group in 1974, the media went into a flurry.
帕蒂·赫斯特是威廉·赫斯特的孙女,1974年她被一个恐怖组织带走,这个传媒业巨头惊慌失措 。
But to everyone's surprise, she eventually joined the group that took her.
但是让所有人惊讶的是,她最终加入了该组织 。
Mary Mcelroy.
Mary Mcelroy was kidnapped in 1933. After being rescued from her abductors, she claimed they were only businessmen.
玛丽·麦克尔罗伊在1933年被绑架,被解救后,她称绑架她的人不过是商人而已 。
She visited them in jail and eventually committed suicide leaving a note that said
my four captors were probably the only people on earth who don't consider me an utter fool.
绑架我的四个人可能是世界上唯一不认为我是傻子的人 。
You have your death penalty now, so please give them a chance.
现在你们被宣告死刑了,所以请给他们一次机会 。
We understand the significant effects abuse and confinement has on a person
and want to provide emotional support to those who have been through a similar situation.
并希望能够提供情感支持帮助那些经历相似境况的人 。
If you would like to learn more about Stockholm syndrome, you can find additional information in the links below
and in our article Stockholm Syndrome Traumatic Bonding.
《Stockholm Syndrome Traumatic Bonding》获取额外信息 。
Let us know in the comments if you know other examples are healing tips for those recovering. Thanks for watching.
如果你知道其他治愈这种症状的方法,请在评论区中留言 。感谢收看 。