Human beings enjoy categorizing things.
人们总是喜欢将东西进行分类 。
It facilitates our understanding of relationships between things or concepts that might seem unrelated
分类帮助我们理解事物之间的联系或是理解看似毫无关联的概念 。
as well as creating initial connections that in turn build relationships.
以及创造能够反过来建立联系的初始连接 。
It's no surprise then that personality quizzes are so popular.
这样看来人格测试的流行并不意外 。
Although, the majority of them are either outrageously inaccurate or somewhat true at best.
虽然大部分测试要么是完全不准要么是有点点准 。
The Myers Briggs test however, has gained much popularity as a deeply insightful and accurate profile of characteristics within a person.
而迈尔斯布里格斯测试,作为一种深入洞察人类性格特质的测试日渐流行 。
Created by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine, the test based on Carl Jung's psychological types categorizes individuals into one of sixteen types.
该性格测试由伊莎贝尔·迈尔斯以及她的母亲凯瑟琳共同创造,测试基于卡尔·荣格的心理类型将个人分成16中类型 。
These types are four letter acronyms divided on the different ways a person perceives and relates to the world and others around them.
这些类型是四个首字母缩写,按照个人感知以及与世界和周围人联系的不同方式划分 。
The four letter acronyms can be defined as the following:
Introvert vs. Extrovert
The first acronym characterizes individuals as either introverted or extroverted
第一类首字母缩写将个人描述为要么是内向者要么是外向者 。
A misconception of introverts is that they are reserved or shy but it is actually how they derive energy from their inner world and need to be alone to recharge.
对于内向者有一个误解,以为他们是保守或害羞的人,但事实上这是他们在自己的内心世界里获取能量的方式,他们需要独处给自己充电 。
They may feel drained of energy when spending too much time with others.
当和别人相处太长时间时,他们可能会感觉精疲力竭 。
Extroverts, on the other hand are energized by interaction with people.
而外向者通过和人交往获取精力 。
Their energy comes from outer world activities as they prefer to move into action and make things happen
他们的能量来自于外部世界的活动,因为他们更喜欢行动起来并促成事情发生 。
Intuition vs. Sensing
Sensing types tend to pay attention to the physical world around them.
感觉型注意关注周围的物理世界 。
They notice facts, the practicality of things, and trust experience heavily.
他们注意事实以及事情的实践性并非常相信体验 。
Intuitive types prefer to work with the abstract, pay more attention to meaning and patterns.
直觉型更喜欢与抽象共事,他们更加注重意义和模式 。
They're more interested in new possibilities or thinking about ideas than reality and hands on experience.
相比现实和亲身经历,他们对新的可能性或创意思考更感兴趣 。
Thinking vs. Feeling
This pair describes how individuals prefer to make decisions.
这一组描述个人更加喜欢如何做决定 。
Thinkers prefer to make decisions logically by being impersonal to avoid outside influences.
思考者更喜欢通过客观避免外部影响做出逻辑性决定 。
They look for logical explanations then apply it when making decisions and believe that truth is more important than tact
他们寻找逻辑解释,然后当做决定时运用逻辑解释并且他们相信事实比圆滑更重要 。
In contrast, feeling types weigh personal opinions and other points of view when making decisions.
相反感受型在做决定时看重个人意见和其他人的观点 。
Concerned with harmony and how the people involved will be affected, they lean more towards tact than telling the cold truth.
考虑到和睦以及参与人的影响,他们更加倾向圆滑处事而非告知冰冷的事实 。
They like to approach decision making through compassion and heart.
他们喜欢通过同情和情感做出决策 。
And lastly, judging vs perceiving
These traits express your orientation to the outer world what others tend to see.
这些特质表述出了别人所注意到的你对外部世界的定位 。
Judging types are commonly seen as orderly and live to have control over their lives through organization.
判断型通常被看成是井然有序并且能通过组织控制自己的生活 。
They are seen as list makers, task orientated and are usually work before play kind of people.
他们被看成是清单制定者、任务导向性且通常在工作前玩闹 。
Those who are a perceiving type rather, appear to be flexible and spontaneous.
熟思型更加灵活且自然 。
Instead of organizing their world, perceiving types look as if they want to adapt to it, mixing work and play and keeping plans to a minimum.
熟思型不会组织他们的世界,他们看起来似乎像是想要适应这个世界,将工作和娱乐相混并将计划保持在最小限度 。
So, those are the four categories of the Myers Briggs personality types.
所以,以上就是迈尔斯布里格斯性格类型的四种分类 。
An individual's final type is made up of one of each of the categories then combined.
每个人最终的类型都是四类中各选一种的组合 。
In the description below are links to various sources, including an online test to determine what you're type is.
下方是各种相关资源,包括知晓你是哪种性格的在线测试 。
Take the test and comment below on your type.
进行测试并在下方评论你的性格类型 。
I'm an INFP. What personality type are you? Also, how accurate was your profile? Thanks for watching.
我是INFP 。你是什么人格类型?你觉得你的侧描准确么?感谢收看 。