Something terrible happened here.
这里曾发生过非常可怕的事情 。
And for decades, people didn't talk about it.
几十年来,人们一直对那件事避而不谈 。
I was an adult before I ever heard about it.
我也是成年以后才听说的 。
It was something that was hidden.
因为它被掩盖了 。
This entire historic community was obliterated.
那整个具有重要历史意义的社区都被摧毁了 。
Bodies dumped in rivers, bodies dumped in mass graves. It was an absolute massacre.
尸体被扔进了河里,万人坑里 。那就是一场大屠杀 。
This story isn't one you'll find in most history books.
今天我们要讲的故事是大多数历史书中都找不到的 。
And almost 100 years later, the facts of what exactly happened that day are still unraveling.
而且,那天究竟发生了什么,即便是在近100年后的今天,事情的真相仍在解密之中 。
So we're driving in what's known as Black Wall Street.
现在我们经过的地方叫“黑人的华尔街” 。
It's where one of the nation's worst episodes of racial violence took place.
美国历史上最恶劣的种族暴力事件之一就发生在这里 。
In 1921, a neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma called the Greenwood District, was a bustling community of black-owned businesses.
1921年,俄克拉何马州塔尔萨的“格林伍德地区”还是一个黑人经营着各行买卖的繁华社区 。
Tulsa locals know that period of Greenwood's history as a kind of Golden Age.
塔尔萨当地人知道,格林伍德的那段历史堪称“黄金时代” 。
If you can imagine just like an old time downtown, things like movie theaters, pharmacy's, hair salons, and so forth.
“如果你想象一下过去的市中心,电影院、药房、发廊汇集的市中心,格林伍德就是这样的一个地方 。
They called it, "Black Wall Street".
他们称这个地方为“黑人的华尔街” 。
It was a mecca, it was a huge success.
那是一个大家都膜拜神往的地方,那时的格林伍德非常成功 。
But Black Wall Street was also an anomaly.
但“黑人的华尔街”也是一种畸形的现象 。
It thrived at a time when the KKK was incredibly active in Oklahoma
and the nation had just been through the "Red Summer of 1919"
— when white mobs murdered black people in dozens of incidents across the US.
——那个夏天,白人暴徒在美国各地发起了数十起谋杀黑人的事件 。
"There needed to be a sort of match or an igniter tossed on these embers
and that event was, that trigger event, was an incident that involved two teenagers:
Dick Rowland, 19-year-old black boy who shined shoes downtown.
Sarah Page, 17-year-old white girl who ran an elevator in a downtown building called the Drexel Building.
另一名是在市中心的“德雷克塞尔大楼”上班的电梯服务员,17岁白人女孩萨拉·佩吉 。
He went to the building, boarded the elevator.
男孩儿去了那栋楼,上了电梯 。
Something happened. Sarah Page began to scream. They both ran out of the elevator.
之后不知发生了什么事,女孩儿就叫了起来,两人都冲出了电梯 。
Now we don't know exactly what happened in this elevator,
but a day later, Rowland was arrested and taken to the courthouse.
但一天之后,罗兰被捕了,并被带到了法院 。
The local newspaper ran an article claiming Rowland had assaulted Page.
当地报纸刊登了一篇文章,声称罗兰袭击了佩奇 。
Even though Page refused to press charges, the article was essentially a call to action for whites.
尽管佩奇拒绝提出指控,但这篇文章实质上就是在呼吁白人行动起来 。
"A large white mob began to gather on the lawn of the courthouse.
一大群白人暴徒开始聚集在法院的草坪上 。
Dick Rowland was in jail on the top floor.
迪克·罗兰就关在顶层的监狱里 。
A number of black men, several dozen, marched down to the courthouse to protect him.
数十名黑人男子游行到法院保护他 。
Some of them armed.
其中一些还带了武器 。
There was a struggle between one of the black men in the small group and one of the white men in a larger group.
声势相对较小的黑人团体中的一名黑人和声势相对浩大的白人团体中的一名白人之间发生了点儿冲突 。
And things sort of went south from from that point.
形势就是从这个时候开始恶化的 。
Hundreds of white people descended upon Black Wall Street, armed.
数百名白人带着武器涌向黑人的华尔街 。
Black residents withdrew behind the railroad tracks that marked off the Greenwood district.
黑人居民退到了格林伍德地区分界处的铁轨后面 。
Some of them were armed, and fought back.
他们中一些也带了武器的人进行了反击 。
But they were outnumbered by the white mob, which shot their way through.
但他们的人数不及白人暴徒的多,根本拦不住来势汹汹的后者 。
The white mob murdered. They looted. And they set fire to Black Wall Street.
那些暴徒开始行凶杀人,把格林伍德洗劫一空 。还一把火烧掉了“黑人的华尔街” 。
This was the strategy, if you will, of how to deal with these communities, these successful black communities.
这就是他们和那些社区,那些成功的黑人社区打交道的策略,如果你不介意我这么表述的话 。
The effects were disastrous.
后果是灾难性的 。
For two days, the Greenwood district burned.
格林伍德地区整整烧了两天 。
Martial law was declared.
政府发布了戒严令 。
And the National Guard was brought in.
还派了国民警卫队过来 。
By the time the massacre ended, Greenwood was in ruins.
屠杀结束时,格林伍德已经成了一片废墟 。
More than 1200 homes were destroyed, and 35 blocks, burned.
被毁的房屋多达1200多所,被烧毁的街区多达35个 。
The exact number of casualties is harder to pin down.
确切的伤亡人数很难确定 。
Some initially only reported that white people died.
部分报道最初只提到了有白人死亡 。
Others, reported somewhere between 30 and 100, mostly black casualties.
其他报道给出的死亡人数在30~100人之间,其中大部分是黑人 。
But estimates now put that number closer to 300.
然而,当前的估计是将近300 。
As for those that survived, thousands of them lived in tents cities in the months that followed
and were left to pick up the pieces of rubble they once called home.
而他们曾经称之为“家”的地方如今只剩下了焦土和瓦砾 。