High functioning anxiety isn't actually considered a mental health diagnosis.
高功能焦虑症其实并不被认为是一种心理健康诊断 。
Instead, it's a term many people can relate to when they have anxiety and can still carry out everyday tasks at a functional level.
相反,很多人都可能与这一术语相关联,这指的是那些患有焦虑症但仍可以正常进行日常任务的人 。
It could be the valedictorian in your class, your co-worker who has an exceptionally polished resume or it might even be you.
他们可以是班里致告别辞的最优秀毕业生、简历非常出色的同事,甚至可能就是你 。
It's no surprise that this has become widely relevant when roughly 40 million adults struggle with anxiety.
约四千万成年人在和焦虑症斗争,这也并不稀奇 。
When someone tells you you're fine or always has a smile plastered on their face, they might actually need your help.
当某人告诉你你很好并且脸上总是挂着微笑,那么他们其实可能需要你的帮助 。
Here are 10 signs of high-functioning anxiety:
1. You're an overachiever.
1. 你是一名高成就者 。
Do you consider yourself a perfectionist, Type A and a planner?
People with anxiety always feel like they need control in order to feel at ease.
有焦虑症的人总是觉得他们需要控制才能感到心安理得 。
Whether it means making big to-do lists, showing up at a meeting early or staying up late studying for a test they already memorized by heart,
the individual stays busy in order to feel productive.
患者保持忙碌是为了感到富有成效 。
One research study shows that it's only when you feel in control that you can deal with stress.
一项研究表明只有当你感觉掌控自己的生活的时候,才能应对压力 。
2. 'No' is rarely used in your vocabulary.
2. 很少说‘不’ 。
Getting things done becomes more important than your health.
完成任务变得越来越比健康重要 。
If you sacrifice eating meals on time or cancel plans with friends to do someone else a favor, you might have high functioning anxiety.
如果你牺牲按时吃饭的时间或取消和朋友计划去帮助别人,那么你可能患有高功能焦虑症 。
You'd rather suck it up and get the work done instead of saying 'No', fearing that it might pile up otherwise.
你宁愿抱怨着去完成也不拒绝,因为你害怕这些事情会堆积起来 。
You may also be afraid to reject others, afraid that you'll hurt them, so you bite the bullet and you hurt yourself instead.
你可能也害怕拒绝别人,害怕你会伤害他们,因此你咬紧牙关反而伤害了自己 。
3. What is sleep?
3. 什么是睡觉?
Apparently never enough for people with anxiety.
显然焦虑症患者睡眠不足 。
How can it be when you're constantly tossing and turning in bed consumed by your worries?
Anxiety doesn't need a reason to keep you up, you have everything checked off your to-do list and still worry about a million other things.
焦虑影响睡眠是不需要理由的,可能你核对了任务清单上的所有事情,但你还是会为了无数其他事情而担心 。
4. You crack cynical jokes for fun.
4. 开一些愤世嫉俗的玩笑取乐 。
Are you sarcastic or make jokes about dying?
Chances are, you aren't as happy as you seem when you tell the punch line.
可能当你讲到最好笑的地方时,你并不是真的开心 。
If you're laughing and putting on a show when you're actually suffering, this is anxiety.
如果当你痛苦的时候,你反而笑着做戏,那么这就是焦虑 。
It forces you to entertain and mask your intensities behind your witty combat.
焦虑会让你强颜欢笑,将你的焦虑隐藏在诙谐的斗争之后 。
Remember, you don't have to put up a front, lower your guard and tell people what's going on.
记住你不必强颜欢笑,卸下你的心防,告诉别人你的痛苦 。
5. Negative self-talk is common and it's so common that you don't even consider it negative, just your usual way of thinking.
5. 消极的自言自语很常见,正是因为太常见了,所以你甚至不觉得它是消极的,你认为这是你常用的思考方式 。
People with anxiety are the hardest on themselves.
焦虑症患者及其为难自己 。
They can stand in front of the mirror and pick out flaws at a snap of a finger or beat themselves up if they make one minor mistake.
他们可以站在镜子前挑自己的毛病或者,如果他们犯了一个小错误,就会痛责自己 。
They don't give themselves a break, always seeking to be a better worker, student, citizen. The list goes on.
他们不给自己一点喘息的机会,总是寻求做一名更好的员工、学生、市民等等等等 。
6. Your co-workers consider you a mystery.
6. 你的同事觉得你是一个谜 。
You might be the helpful, reliable worker everyone loves,
so it's no surprise that you'll get asked to go out once it's time to clock out but you'll usually decline, remaining an enigma.
所以一到下班点大家都会约你出去,但是你通常会拒绝,保持神秘 。
Other people will find it hard to read you, not because you want to seem cold or detached
but letting loose and socializing without preparing ahead of time actually terrifies you.
而是毫无准备的放松和社交通常会让你害怕 。
7. You're easily startled.
7. 轻易受惊吓 。
It's normal to get jumpy during a horror movie but are you startled even during the slightest disturbance,
afraid that others might find you spineless? Therapists Anne Wright says you may resort to unhealthy habits
such as drinking, drugs or endless social media scrolling as a distraction.
比如饮酒、药物或无目的的浏览社交媒体,来分散你的注意力 。
8. Bad days are normal for you.
8. 糟糕的日子是常态 。
Excessive remanating, panic attacks and an inability to relax have all become ingrained in your daily routines
that good days become once in a blue moon.
开心的日子变得极为罕见 。
But instead of outwardly complaining or calling up a friend to talk about it, you might just bottle it up.
但是相对于大声抱怨或是向朋友倾诉,你可能会把它们藏在心里 。
Since it happens every week, you worry that others will find you annoying or a burden.
因为每周都会发生,所以你担心其他人会觉得你很讨厌或觉得你是一个负担 。
9. You constantly seek validation.
9. 你总是寻求确认 。
Anxiety makes rationality hard to achieve, that's why the individual often seeks logic from others.
焦虑让理性难以实现,所以患者经常从别人那里寻求逻辑 。
They fear their judgment isn't enough so they rely on the support and guidance of friends, family and co-workers.
他们担心自己的判断还不够,因此他们依赖于朋友、家人和同事的支持和指导 。
They don't mean to lean on people 24/7 but it significantly quiets down their loud thoughts.
他们并不想要一天二十四小时的依靠别人,但是这样能够让他们嘈杂的思绪安静下来 。
On the flip side however, some may worry about being a burden, so they choose to suffer silently instead of reaching out to others.
但另一方面,一些人或许担心成为负担,所以他们选择安静地忍受而不寻求帮助 。
10. You're afraid of letting people down.
10. 害怕让别人失望 。
You don't know how to break the news to your loved ones
if you're not happy with your so-called dream career or don't want the same things as them.
你不知道如何告诉在乎的人这个消息 。
You often succumb to other people's expectations, working hard to be a role model.
你通常屈服于其他的期待,努力成为一个行为榜样 。
And no matter how tired you are of being you, your anxiety will push you to continue performing as if your whole life counts on it.
不论你多么努力地做自己,你的焦虑将迫使你继续假装,就好像你的整个人生都依赖于此 。
Did you enjoy this video? Jayden animations also covers your own personal struggles with anxiety.
你喜欢本期视频么?Jayden动画也讲到了自己与焦虑对抗的事情 。
We think her content holds value and will be helpful for you. Be sure to check out her videos and show some love. Thanks for watching!
我们认为她讲的内容是有价值的且将对你有帮助 。一定要去看她的视频 。感谢收看!