Weekends are meant for relaxing and rejuvenating,
but it's easy to forget that when we're swamped with never-ending homework,
college applications and demanding jobs that have us working overtime.
大学申请和需要加班完成的费劲工作中时,我们很容易忘记这一点 。
Consequently, plans that we originally signed up for might seem like a hassle now.
结果,原本制定的计划现在看来像是个麻烦 。
It's perfectly okay to stay in, hit the pause button and catch your breath.
待在家里,按下暂停键,喘一口气是完全没问题的 。
In fact, I'm about to do that myself, so sit back, relax and come unwind with me, it'll all be okay, I promise.
事实上,我就准备这么做 。所以休息一下,和我一起来放松,一切都会好起来的,我保证 。
Today is my lazy day, with no plans in sight,
I'm starting off with a blank canvas which means I can paint the day however the way I want it to be.
一切从空白开始,这意味着这一天我想怎么过都行 。
Let's check the weather, seems like it's cloudy and windy, my favorite sweater weather.
先看看天气,好像是多云有风,是我最喜欢的可以穿毛衣的天气 。
I'm going to go downstairs, greet my cat and brew myself a hot cup of tea.
我准备下楼,和我们家的猫打个招呼,给自己泡一杯热茶 。
Whether you enjoy something calming and herbal or strongly caffeinated, your boy's got you covered, I'm loaded with the good stuff.
不论是享受宁静还是喝一杯含有咖啡因的茶,都没关系,我有很多好东西 。
Now on to laundry, sounds like work, right? But doing laundry after a long week can actually be rewarding,
I love burying myself with the scent of fresh clean clothes.
我喜欢让自己沉浸在干净衣物的芳香中 。
Now that I have something to wear next week, there's one less thing I have to worry about.
现在下周穿的衣服搞定啦,又少了一件让我担心的事情 。
Here, I'm gonna get the first batch started and then we'll move on to something else.
第一批事情已经启动了,然后我们要去做点别的事情啦 。
I'm really lucky to live in a quiet area surrounded by woods. Today, I think I'll go for a bike ride.
我很幸运的住在了一个被树木包围的安静街区 。今天,我想去骑自行车 。
I've got my favorite cardigan on and a scarf to keep my neck warm. Sometimes nature is the only friend you need.
我穿上了最喜欢的羊毛衫,戴上了围巾不让脖子着凉 。有时自然是你需要的唯一朋友 。
As much as I love spending time with my friends and family, I love going off by myself and having my own solitary adventures.
我喜欢和家人朋友一起,我也喜欢独自出去,享受自己孤独的冒险 。
With life these days, it's often quite hard to get some peace and quiet, so when I have the chance, I make the most of it.
现在通常很难找到一些宁静和安宁,所以一有机会,我就会最大享受它们 。
I've been thinking lately about how much I've let my own anxiety and depression dictate my life,
how its taught me cold from taking certain risks, postpone the time I could have used to work on personal goals
and the way it would keep me up all night. It doesn't have to be that way anymore if I just learn to let go.
以及让我彻夜难眠 。如果我学着放手,就再也不必这样了 。
If you're going through the same emotions, I hope you have the guts to do it too.
如果你也经历同样的情况,我希望你也有勇气这么做 。
Ahh, wasn't that fun? It felt so good to let the crisp cool air into my lungs.
很好玩,不是么?呼吸清凉空气的感觉很好 。
And the way the leaves fell, it looked like small bits of a kaleidoscope rearranging its patterns.
树叶飘落的方式看起来就是像是万花筒的一角一样 。
That's what I love the most about fall; you can heal and learn to become what you can still be.
这就是秋天中我最爱的部分,你可以治愈,可以学着做你自己 。
Just because everything breaks down in this time of the year, it doesn't mean good things have to come to an end.
虽然今年这个时候一切事物都在衰败,但这并不意味着好事也走向了终点 。
Sometimes change happens so better things can fall into place but we have to be open to receive it.
有时改变是为了让更好的事情降临,但是我们需要敞开心胸接受它 。
I like to think that with every end comes a new beginning. Come inside now, your ears are getting cold, aren't they?
我喜欢这样想:每个终点都是一个新的开始 。现在快进屋,耳朵是不是要冻着了?
Let's go back to the kitchen and cook ourselves a nice dinner, you'll have to excuse me, I haven't gone grocery shopping yet.
让我们回到厨房,给自己做顿美味的晚餐,请原谅我呀,我还没去买菜呢 。
Let's see what's available in the pantry. Hmm, a can of tomato sauce and some angel hair, looks like we're having spaghetti.
让我们看看食品储藏室有啥可以吃的 。有一罐番茄酱和一些天使面,看来我们要吃意大利面了 。
Sometimes dinner is the best when it's prepared simple. I'm just gonna chop up an onion and throw in some spinach.
有时简单的晚餐才是最棒的 。我要切洋葱,放菠菜啦 。
Fall makes me nostalgic for my mom's cooking. In fact, I learned how to make this dish from her, mmmh, some things never get old.
秋天让我怀念起妈妈做的菜了 。其实,这道菜就是妈妈教的,有些东西永远不会过时 。
Dinner is always better with some company. Now let's end that night with a hot relaxing bath.
有人陪吃晚餐总是不错的 。现在让我们用热水澡来结束今晚吧 。
There's nothing like lighting your favorite scented candles and sitting with a good book and music.
什么也比不上点燃最爱的香熏蜡烛,听着音乐看一本好书 。
If you live in the city, it can almost be impossible to slow down when everyone's always rushing to get to the next stop,
but when you're in a bathtub, you're safe, warm and away from all the noise.
但是当你泡在浴缸中,你是安全的、暖和的、远离嘈杂的 。
Whatever scent you picked up from riding the train or being at school, you can leave all of that behind you as you soak in these bubbles.
不论在火车上还是在学校里染上了什么味道,泡在这些泡泡里就可以把这些抛之脑后 。
Ahh, looks like it's time for bed now, my cat knows it too; she's been waiting for me. I love the way she snuggles up close to me.
啊啊啊,到点该睡觉了,我的猫猫也知道该睡了,她正等着我呢 。我喜欢她紧紧地依偎着我 。
Another day has come to an end but it was everything I needed. Are you feeling better now?
又一天结束了,但这就是我想要的一切 。现在你有感觉好一些了么?
Keep these tips in mind the next time you're all wound up. What other relaxing techniques do you use?
下次全身紧绷的时候,记住这些技巧 。你有使用哪些其他的放松技巧呢?
Unlike the scriptwriter Catherine, I myself really like playing video games too online. What about you?
和Catherine不同的是,我本是也很喜欢打游戏 。你们呢?
Let me know by leaving a comment down below. Be sure to subscribe to our channel for more content. Thanks for watching.
请在下方评论告诉我 。一定要订阅我们的频道获取更多内容 。感谢收看 。