Voice 1: "Childhood Obesity: the Unacceptable Price of Successful Marketing." This is the name of a paper by Kaye Mehta. Kaye Mehta is a food expert from a university in Australia. The Diabetes Foundation published her paper on their website. The paper talks about the increase of fat and sugar in children's diets. It talks about the increased number of obese children. When someone is obese, they weigh a lot more than they should. Obesity puts the children's health in danger. They are more likely to develop conditions such as diabetes. Kaye Mehta wrote that marketing is part of the problem.
声音1:“儿童糖尿病:成功营销方案无法接受的代价 。”这是凯伊·梅塔的论文题目 。凯伊·梅塔是澳大利亚一所大学的食品专家 。糖尿病基金会在官方网站上发表了她的论文 。这篇论文谈到了儿童饮食中脂肪和糖分的增加 。还谈到了肥胖儿童数量的增加 。肥胖指体重超过标准体重 。肥胖使儿童的健康受到威胁 。导致儿童更可能患上糖尿病等疾病 。凯伊·梅塔写道,营销是部分问题所在 。
Voice 3: "There is growing concern about links between marketing of food and soft drinks to children - and the global rise in childhood obesity. This is not surprising. Many of the food products and drinks for sale to children are considered unhealthy - high in energy and low in nutrients."
声音3:“令人们越来越担心的是,针对儿童的食品和软饮料的营销与全球儿童肥胖增加之间的联系 。这在意料之中 。许多以儿童为受众的食品和饮料都被认为是不健康的,因为其富含能量但营养含量偏低 。”