日期:2019-01-11 12:56


Blind he may be, but Aemon knows what he's about. I pray the gods let us keep him another twenty years. Do you know that he might have been king?
Jon was taken by surprise. "He told me his father was king, but not... I thought him perhaps a younger son."
So he was. His father's father was Daeron Targaryen, the Second of His Name, who brought Dorne into the realm. Part of the pact was that he wed a Dornish princess. She gave him four sons. Aemon's father Maekar was the youngest of those, and Aemon was his third son. Mind you, all this happened long before I was born, ancient as Smallwood would make me.

Maester Aemon was named for the Dragonknight.
So he was. Some say Prince Aemon was King Daeron's true father, not Aegon the Unworthy. Be that as it may, our Aemon lacked the Dragonknight's martial nature. He likes to say he had a slow sword but quick wits. Small wonder his grandfather packed him off to the Citadel. He was nine or ten, I believe... and ninth or tenth in the line of succession as well.
Maester Aemon had counted more than a hundred name days, Jon knew. Frail, shrunken, wizened, and blind, it was hard to imagine him as a little boy no older than Arya.

  • countedvt. 计算;认为 vi. 计数;有价值 n. 计数;计
  • realmn. 王国,领域
  • unworthyadj. 无价值的,没有优点的 adj. 不值得的;不应
  • frailadj. 脆弱的,虚弱的
  • swordn. 剑,刀
  • martialadj. 军事的,战争的
  • pactn. 契约,协定,条约