If you want to make progress, you really need to stop watching Fox News.
如果你想进步,那就别再看《福克斯新闻》了 。
It's breaking your brain.
因为这个节目会影响你的智商 。
You need to stop. Stop watching Fox.
你得停下来 。别!看!福!克!斯!了!
So I was watching Hannity's show a few weeks ago and something really weird happened.
几周前我看了汉尼提的节目,奇怪的事情就发生了 。
It was November 5th and the show was airing from a Trump rally in Missouri.
那是11月5日,那期节目是在特朗普在密苏里州发表演说时录的 。
"It's election eve. We're in the great Show-Me State. How are we all doing?"
“时值选举前夕,我们来到了“眼见为信”之州(密苏里州) 。大家好吗?”
And while Hannity's show is always rah rah Trump, this one felt especially campaign-y.
虽然汉尼提的节目经常吹捧特朗普,但那期节目竞选的感觉尤为明显 。
"So much is at stake. In a few short hours.
“事关重大 。短短几个小时之后就要开始了 。
You ready?"
Hannity opened the show by running through a literal list of Trump's accomplishments, including gems like "successful trip to Asia" and "drafted plan to defeat ISIS."
汉尼提在节目一开始就逐字逐句地列举了特朗普的成就,包括“成功的亚洲之行”和“起草打败ISIS的计划” 。
Well, you gotta to start somewhere.
嗯,千里之行,始于足下,对吧 。
He listed the Democrats agenda if they won the midterms, including -- of course -- "open borders".
他还列出了民主党如果赢得中期选举会有哪些议程,“开放边界”当然是少不了的 。
He constantly repeated the phrase "promises made, promises kept."
他不断地重复“许下了承诺,也兑现了承诺”这句话 。
Promises made, promises kept.
Promises made, promises kept.
Which, surprise surprise, was one of the GOP's midterm slogans.
意外中的意外,这句也是共和党中期选举的口号之一 。
Promises made, promises kept.
And he tried to put on a brave face before the impending Blue Wave.
在蓝色巨浪即将到来之前,他努力装出一副勇敢的样子 。
"So what are we going to see tomorrow? I mean, as far as I'm concerned, the polls are meaningless."
“那明天会是什么情形呢?我想说的是,就我而言,民意调查一点意义也没有啊 。”
"They are meaningless."
“本来就没有啊 。”
The show ended with Hannity privately interviewing Trump, in a coffin I think, and asking hardball questions like:
you spent three and a half billion on the border wall. And I know you're disappointed, you want the rest.
“在边境墙上您已经花了35亿了 。我知道你很失望,你还是想拿到剩下的那笔资金 。”到这里,节目就结束了 。
And that was the end of the show.
虽然节目到这里就结束了 。
But the weirdness was only beginning.
但奇怪的事情才刚刚开始 。
See, a few days earlier, the Trump campaign announced that Hannity would be appearing as a special guest during the rally.
因为就在几天前,特朗普的竞选团队宣布,汉尼提将作为特别嘉宾出席演说 。
Hannity denied that he'd appear on stage, claiming he was only going there to interview Trump.
但汉尼提否认了自己会登台的说法,声称他只是去那里采访特朗普 。
But a few minutes after Hannity's show finished airing...
"Let's get it over with, right? Sean Hannity, come on up. Sean Hannity."
“到此为止,好吧?肖恩·汉尼提,请上台来 。肖恩·汉尼提 。”
"Promises made, promises kept.
“许下了承诺,也兑现了承诺 。
By the way, all those people in the back are fake news."
顺便说一下,后面那些人发的都是假新闻 。”
That freaked a lot of people out,
and not just because Hannity was literally calling other Fox News reporters in the room “fake news."
不仅仅是因为汉尼提把房间里的其他福克斯新闻记者的报道都说成是“假新闻” 。
Fox News issued a statement saying they didn't condone talent participating in campaign events and Hannity claimed the whole thing with a total surprise.
对此,《福克斯新闻》发表声明称他们不会宽恕任何一位参加竞选活动的主播,汉尼提则说整个事件完全就是个意料 。
"The president, I had no idea. It was not planned."
“总统,我根本就不知道 。当时的情形根本就没在计划之内 。”
And then...nothing.
之后…这件事就这么不了了之了 。
The midterms came and went. Hannity went back to his show and that was it.
中期选举来了又去 。汉尼提也回去继续做节目去了,这件事就这么过去了 。
"Welcome to Hannity. Jam packed hour."
“欢迎观看《汉尼提秀》 。水泄不通的时刻 。”
What would have been an immediate firing on any other network was barely a PR blip for Fox.
换做任何其他的新闻网站,汉尼提立刻就会被炒掉,但对福克斯来说,这次的事情不过就是一个公关问题 。
Because as shocking as that whole fiasco might look,
it's just the latest example in how Fox News is transforming from a right-wing news network into a full blown campaign operation.
但也不过是福克斯新闻如何从一个右翼新闻网络转变为一个全面的竞选运作团队的最新例子 。
"You have the power to shock the world again. Just think of what it's going to be like to watch the corrupt media. They will lose their minds."
“你有能力再次震撼世界 。你们想想,看腐败媒体的新闻会是什么样子?他们会失去理智的 。”
I want to start off by saying this is not a video about Fox News being too conservative.
首先,我想说的是,这不是一个关于福克斯新闻如何过于保守的视频 。
It is normal for journalists to have political beliefs.
记者有政治信仰是很正常的 。
Hannity is obviously a right-winger and I am obviously an antifa supersoldier.
汉尼提明显是一个右翼分子,而我显然是一个反法联盟的超级战士 。
What's not normal is for news organizations to be directly involved in campaigns they're covering.
不正常的是新闻机构直接参与他们所报道的活动 。
It's why you've never seen Rachel Maddow give a stump speech for Democrats.
这也是你为什么从来没有见过瑞秋·玛多为民主党人做政治演说的原因 。
It's unethical.
因为这样做是有违道德的 。
Also that speech would be 45 minutes long and never get to the point.
而且,那个演讲历时45分钟,但一直都没说到点子上 。
Not again.
不准再扔我了 。
As an experiment, I asked my bosses if I could speak at a Democratic campaign rally --
that I made up because they have too much free time on my hands --
and here's what they said. "No."
他们是这么说的 。“不可以 。”
"Come on." "Of course not."
"拜托 。”“当然不行 。”
"Why not?" "Because you're journalists. You're not working for a campaign."
“为什么?”“因为你是记者 。你的职责不是搞什么竞选 。”
This is a pretty widely accepted rule in journalism and it's actually one that Fox News used to follow.
这是被新闻行业广泛接受的一个原则,《福克斯新闻》以前也是遵守这个原则的 。
In 2010, Hannity spent a week promoting his appearance at a Tax Day Tea Party rally in Cincinnati.
2010年,汉尼提花了一周时间在辛辛那提的一个‘税收日茶党“集会上宣传自己的形象 。
"Tax Day, we will be in Cincinnati. And hopefully you can be a part of the studio audience."
“纳税日,我们将去往辛辛那提 。希望你能成为我们演播室的一员 。”
But after Fox News found out the rally organizers were using Hannity's appearance to sell tickets, they pulled the plug.
但当《福克斯新闻》发现集会组织者利用汉尼提的形象出售门票后,他们就取消了活动 。
NewsCorp. CEO Rupert Murdoch said "I don't think we should be supporting the Tea Party or any other party."
新闻集团的CEO鲁珀特·默多克说:“我觉得我们不应该支持茶党或是任何其他党派 。”
And that was the last time Fox News pretended to give a shit.
那是福克斯新闻最后一次装作自己很有态度的样子 。
In 2016, Hannity appeared in a bananas pro-Trump campaign ad.
2016年,汉尼提出现在了支持特朗普的一个疯狂的竞选广告上 。
"And of course he's going to build that wall, he says he's going to have Mexico pay for it."
“他当然要修那堵墙了,他说他会让墨西哥来出这个钱 。”
Sean! You shot it on an iPhone? With a tucked in polo?