Working toward long term achievements can be mentally and physically exhausting.
朝着长期目标努力让人心理和身体精疲力竭 。
It can be a let-down to work towards a goal and not see results as quickly as you were hoping for.
结果可能会让你失望,或许短期内也看不到结果 。
But if you work smart achieving your goals is possible.
但是如果你机智一点的话,实现目标是有可能的 。
No matter your goals, here at Psych2go we have 7 tips to help you achieve them.
不论你的目标是什么,在此我们有7个秘诀帮助你实现它们 。
1. Write your goals down.
1. 将你的目标写下来 。
Even if you know what you want, actually writing down your goals has proven to be more effective.
即便你知道自己想要什么,但事实已经证明将你的目标写下来更加高效 。
Make sure that it's visible so you have a continual reminder on what you've set out to achieve.
一定将它贴在看得到的地方,这样就能时刻提醒你自己的目标 。
Try putting a note on your bathroom mirror or your fridge so you'll see it everyday.
试着将它贴在卧室的镜子上或是冰箱上,这样你就能每天看到它了 。
2. Be patient with yourself.
2. 要对自己有耐心 。
Rome wasn't built in a day and reaching your goals won't necessarily happen super fast.
罗马不是一天建成的,实现自己的目标也不是一瞬之间的事 。
It will likely take hours and hours of hard work. The best things in life often take time and that makes them more rewarding
实现目标可能要经历很长时间的刻苦努力 。生命中最棒的事情经常是需要时间的,因此它们才更加值得 。
3. Make time in your week for goals.
3. 每周为自己的目标腾出些时间 。
Instead of trying to rush through your project,
allow yourself an hour a day or a day a week to work on small sub-goals that will contribute to your overall vision.
给自己每天一小时或每周一天的时间完成这些子目标,这样将有助于你的全局视野 。
Doing things weekly in small segments will help prevent you from feeling stuck or frustrated in your attempt to achieve your goal.
每周完成一小部分将帮助你远离实现目标道路上的困惑和挫败 。
4. Celebrate your acheivements no matter how small.
4. 庆祝自己的成就,不论是多小的成就 。
Sometimes if can feel like you're so far from reaching a milestone
and you're more only closer than where you started. But if you're actively working towards something, that's not true.
好像自己没走多远 。但是如果你积极朝着某件事情努力的话,这种想法就不是真的 。
Remember that these goals are called long term for a reason.
记住,这些目标之所以被称为长期目标是有原因的 。
Find a way to reward yourself with a favourite snack or activity when you finish a part of your goal.
当你完成目标的一部分时,找个方式奖励自己,请自己吃最喜欢的零食或是去玩 。
5. Remember that roadblocks aren't failures.
5. 记住障碍不是失败 。
We all know the phrase 'when one door closes, another one opens'. Well, it's not just inspiring, it's factual.
我们都听过‘当一扇门关闭的时候,就会有另一扇门打开’这句话 。这句话不仅是鸡汤,也是事实 。
Sometimes life has a different plan for how we achieve our goals.
有时对于我们如何现实目标,生命总会有不同的安排 。
So next time you hit a wall, remember to be kind to yourself. You never know what could be around the corner.
所以下一次碰壁时,记住对自己好一点 。你永远都不知道接下来会发生什么 。
6. Listen to criticism and do not take it personally.
6. 倾听批评,不要生气 。
Criticisms are not personal attacks on your work. They aren't a chance for you to get defensive and possessive of your work and goals.
批评不是对你努力的人身攻击 。它们不是你吵架以及对努力和目标独享欲强的机会 。
Instead, take the criticism and use it to refine and improve upon your goal and the methods of getting there.
相反,接受批评并利用它改善提高你的目标和实现目标的方法 。
Critisism allows us to double check our work with new eyes and create something even more amazing.
批评让我们用不一样的眼光仔细审视我们的努力并创造出更加奇妙的事物 。
7. Work with like minded people.
7. 和志同道合的人一起努力 。
This is an especially important tip because it's easy for you to feel like you're alone in your endeavours.
这是一个尤为重要的秘诀,因为在努力的道路上你很容易感到孤独 。
There's also other times where you'll feel stuck in your efforts to figure out solutions to the hurdles that sit between you and your achievements.
在你和你的目标之间竖着一道障碍,你在努力寻找跨过障碍的方法,有时会感觉自己被困在这努力之中 。
Talking and collaborating with those who share similar goals is actually a great way to see things in a different way, getting inspired and maintain drive.
与那些和你有相似目标的人交谈合作能给你看待事物的不同视角,鼓舞你,让你保持动力 。
Climbing the mountain of success is always easier when you're working as a team.
团队合作总能让攀登成功的高峰更加容易 。