People don't realize, when they walk outside, there's basically a grocery store surrounding them.
人们没有意识到,走在户外的时候,他们身边就有一个大超市 。
And that's such a beautiful thing about nature.
这恰好也是大自然的美丽之处 。
A lot of my job is to walk around in the woods and say, oh, what is that in the ground?
Pick it up and eat it.
然后把它捡起来吃掉 。
I have this sort of curious nature where I never am satisfied with something.
我天性就比较好奇,我有一颗永不满足的好奇心 。
If we're cooking something, how can we do it better? How can you make it more interesting?
We have to eat, as human beings, so why not make it the most memorable experience you can?
My name is James Gop.
我叫詹姆斯·贾普 。
I'm a culinary artist, forager, and founder of Heirloom Fire.
我是一名烹饪艺术家、采食爱好者,也是“祖传之火”的创始人 。
More often than not, we're working with clients, executing their vision.
我们经常与客户合作,实现他们的愿景 。
So, I'm incredibly flattered that Coors Light wants to let us create a dinner that we'll be doing later this week
where we are building a menu designed around native species, what's growing in that moment.
这次我们将围绕本土食材并且是当季的本土食材来设计菜单 。
The Berkshires have a little bit of a reputation for a reason.
伯克夏尔小有名气是有原因的 。
We're a little bit more north, so the growing seasons are so short.
我们的地理位置偏北一点,所以食材的生长季节很短 。
So it's really about embracing that moment in time.
所以,尽情地拥抱当下是很重要的 。
Viewing it as, when the iron's hot, you have to strike.
打铁就得趁热嘛 。
The thing about James is he never stops.
詹姆斯的特点就是他从来都不会闲下来 。
Chris, look at this, man.
克里斯,看这个,哥们儿 。
All the wild grape vines.
野葡萄的葡萄藤 。
Should you, just like we've been talking about.
It even has a sweet quality to it.
甚至还有点儿甜 。
He holds himself at such a high standard that when he gets to where his dream is, his own standard goes up.
他对自己的要求特别高,他实现了自己的梦想之后还会设置更高的目标 。
That's very inspiring, in a way,
because it pushes you to just continue to be better, just continue to be better, and continue to be better.
因为这样会让你不断地变得更好,更好,更好 。
My largest form of inspiration is going into woods.
我最大的灵感来源就是进入森林 。
It makes me feel like this warmth in my chest
and the hair stand up on the back of my neck, and I want to be able to share that with people.
让我激动无比,我希望我自己能够和大家分享这种快乐 。
That's my artistic expression, to be able to replicate that moment in time.
这就是我的艺术表现手法,让我及时地重现当下的手法 。
It's usually about a 17-hour day onsite.
现场的准备通常需要17个小时 。
It's a big experience where you have to love it.
也是一个你必须热爱的了不起的经历 。
And thankfully, I have that in a team.
值得庆幸的是,我的团队有这样的一群人 。
So we're onsite now.
我们现在已经来现场了 。
I'm hoping, today, to get a hold of some stuff we weren't able to get due to the massive rain last night.
我希望,今天我们能够拿出一些昨天晚上因为下暴雨没能做的一些作品 。
Wow, this is the first hen of the woods I've ever found.
哇,这是我这辈子发现的第一丛奇果菌 。
We'll break off all the little sort of petals here and just sauté them in a lot of butter and a lot of salt and just fold them in with the vegetables.
等下我们把这些开花的部分都摘掉,用黄油小炒,盐多一点,然后和蔬菜一起拌 。
So I was out in the woods; came across these little red berries that taste remarkably like black pepper.
我刚刚去林子里,碰巧发现了这些小红果,尝起来跟黑胡椒的味道非常接近 。
Let's put them in a dish tonight.
今晚就给它放到菜里去 。
Hello, everyone.
大家好 。
Thank you very much for coming.
非常感谢各位的光临 。
My goal is to, really, forever change your lives today.
我的目标是今天彻底改变大家的生命 。
I want to have everybody take this moment
where they're just being here, present, and realizing that these aren't just weeds and grasses,
but looking around and thinking of, wow, that's actually like an edible grocery store out there.
意让每个人都意识到大家的身边其实就有一个可食用的天然大超市 。
I love the theater of what we do.
我喜欢我们的烹饪舞台 。
That's something that I want to be able to give people.
这也是我想要给予大家的东西 。
The theater, the entertainment, exposing them to something they've never seen.
那种仪式感,款待方式,让大家接触到他们从未见过的东西 。
Really, having a moment in life that people are gonna walk away from,
and it'll be a memory that's burned inside of them forever.
还会永远跳动在他们记忆里的那么一刻 。
As you see, obviously, there's ice cream involved here, but this is birchwood ice cream.
正如大家所看的一样,这是一道冰淇淋,但这个是白桦冰淇淋 。
It's made by infusing slices of birchwood, and cream, milk and sugar overnight.
是用白桦木切片、奶油、牛奶和糖浸泡一夜制成的 。
And if you look above you, we've actually foraged pine bark, and then put it into whole wheat flower.
如果大家抬头看的话,我们还用采集来的松树皮放进全麦面粉里做了一道甜品 。
So these are little beignets.
它们都是法式甜甜圈 。
Did you enjoy everything? Absolutely. Yeah? Great. Great.
这些菜都还可口吗?好吃得没得说 。是吗?太好了 。太好了 。
Thank you, again, for making time.
再次感谢大家能抽出时间过来 。
Sincerely, it really means everything to us that you come and be a part of this experience.
真心地感谢大家,你们能够过来和我们一起体验这次的经历对我们来说意义重大 。
I just want to open your eyes back to nature, because there's so much that we've forgotten.
我只是想让大家睁开眼睛看看大自然,因为我们遗忘的实在是太多太多了 。
So thank you again for all coming, and I just want to take a moment to thank Coors Light for giving us the opportunity to tell our story.
再次感谢大家的到来,最后,我还想花一点时间感谢康盛啤酒给我们讲述我们的故事的机会 。
Cheers. Cheers.
干杯 。干杯 。