Welcome to Baarle-Hertog in Belgium.
欢迎来到比利时的巴勒-黑托克 。
No, welcome to Baarle-Nassau in the Netherlands.
不,是欢迎来到荷兰的巴勒-拿骚 。
No, Belgium. It's the Netherlands.
不,是比利时 。是荷兰 。
Belgium. Netherlands.
比利时 。荷兰 。
OK, everyone, please calm down. It's both.
好了,各位,冷静 。都是,好吧 。
Welcome to the town with one of the most intricate borders in the whole world.
欢迎来到这个有着世界上最复杂的边界之一的小镇 。
Baarle is a quiet, small-town with not much going on, until you look at these crosses.
巴勒是一个闲适而安静的小镇,直到你看到这些十字 。
Yeah, that's an international border.
是的,就是国界 。
And so it that, and so is that.
那边也是,那边也是 。
Baarle is home to a living border puzzle.
巴勒有着各种各样的边界难题 。
Instead of one border crossing, there are dozens of them.
这里的过境点不是一个,而是几十个 。
And that's because the town consists of 30 enclaves.
这是因为这个城镇是由30块飞地组成的 。
There are 22 pieces of Belgium surrounded by the Netherlands and 10 Dutch areas in Belgium.
有22块被荷兰包围的比利时领土,还有10块被比利时包围的荷兰领土 。
The border goes through houses, shops, beer stores,
and this means that there are two of almost everything for a population of under 10,000:
Two postal services, two churches, two bus companies, two legal drinking ages.
两个邮局,两个教堂,两个公交公司,两个法定饮酒年龄 。
There are even two mayo toppings at this chicken shop.
就连这家鸡肉店的蛋黄酱配料都有两种 。
Yup, this one's Dutch, and this one's Belgian.
是的,这种是荷兰风味的,这种是比利时风味的 。
And there's two town halls.
还有两个市政厅 。
And, of course, a meeting room with a borderline in it, and two separate representatives.
当然,还有一间画有边界线的会议室,以及两名代表 。
So how did the town get into this messy situation?
And later on, this meant that the Duke of Brabant possessed Belgian lands, and the Lord of Breda, Dutch lands.
后来,这就意味着布拉班特公爵拥有比利时的土地,布雷达爵爷拥有荷兰的土地 。
Got it.
明白了 。
So, head of tourism, Willem.
How do you know where your house is if the border goes through it?
We have a front door rule.
我们有一个前门规则 。
The front door rule sas there, where your front door is, that is the place where you have your domicile--where you are living--Belgium or Holland.
就是说你的前门在哪边,你的户籍——也就是你的居住地——就在哪边 。
But, what about front doors that get chopped off by the border? Like this one.
可是,那如果连前门也被像这家一样一分为二了呢? 。
That's an exception. Living there, you can choose both ways, of course.
这是一个例外 。当然,这种情况的话,你可以随便选一边 。
Like gallary owner Syvia.
比如画廊老板西尔维娅就是如此 。
This is Belgium; this is Netherlands; and this is my gallary.
这边是比利时;这边是荷兰;这就是我的画廊 。
I have chosen Belgium because I was living in Belgium--my company was Belgian--so I took the easiest way.
我选择了比利时,因为我就住在比利时——我的公司也在比利时——所以我选择了最简单的方法 。
All right, but the international commute, it must be tiring. Right, cafe manager, Willem?
好吧,但是国际交通一定很累 。对吧,咖啡厅经理,威廉?
Of course. My cafe is at the Dutch side.
当然 。我的咖啡馆在荷兰这边 。
I'm Belgian, so I cross the border every day, but I live 200 meters from here, so it's not that far.
但我是比利时人,所以我每天都要过境,但是我住的地方离这里只有200米,所以也不远啦 。
OK, so my last question, it has to be this: Which town is best? Baarle-Hertog, or Baarle-Nassau?
I prefer both.
我两个都喜欢 。
I'm Dutch and, to be honest, I like the way of living more on the Belgian side.
我是荷兰人,说实话,我更喜欢比利时那边的生活方式 。
Baarle. Baarle-Hertog, of course.
巴勒…… 。当然是巴勒-黑托克了 。
In the end, it doesn't matter which side of the border you choose.
其实,选择边界的哪一边不重要 。
All in all, this is just a great love story between two countries.
归根结底,这只是两个国家之间的一段伟大的爱情故事 。
We have learned to deal with each other; we have learned to live with each other;
and I could say, we are an example for the rest of Europe--maybe the rest of the world.
我可以说,我们是整个欧洲的榜样——甚至可以说是整个世界的榜样 。