Hello psych2gores, before we begin this video,
we just want to take some time to thank you for all your love and support.
我们想先感谢大家的热爱和支持 。
Whether you've been with us since the very beginning, or you recently subscribe to our channel,
we want you to know that we wouldn't be here today without you.
我们都想让大家知道没有大家就没有我们 。
There's a strong difference between being lonely and being alone.
孤独和孤单之间有很大的区别 。
When we experience long days at work, go to one big social event after another,
or go to school, our bodies will want to enter hermit mode. And that's normal.
或是放学后,我们的身体都想要进入一个隐居模式 。这很正常 。
Just like batteries, we need time to recharge,
and what better way than to unwind alone with a cozy blanket and your favorite show?
But, whether you've been home alone or spending time with people, have you been feeling disconnected?
Here are seven signs you may be lonely.
以下是孤独的七种迹象 。
1. Your insomnia is an ongoing problem.
1. 持续性的失眠 。
Research shows that the lonely you are, the more disturbances you experience in your sleep.
研究表明越孤独,睡眠中就会受到越多干扰 。
Dr. Leana Karena states that lonely people do not experience less hours of sleep,
but rather wake up more frequently throughout the night.
但醒来的次数会很频繁 。
To alleviate some of the blues before hitting the sheets,
reach out to people by either talking to them on the phone or facetiming.
和别人聊聊天或视频 。
Texting doesn't work so well because psychologists have discovered hearing someone's voice
or seeing their face are factors that strongly play in how we form connections.
或看见他们的脸是形成关联的重要因素 。
2. Your anxiety worsens.
2. 你的焦虑更加严重 。
Do you already struggle with an anxiety disorder?
When you're lonely, it may increase your cortisol levels.
孤独会增加你的皮质醇水平 。
The reason being, when you spend too much time ruminating over matters instead of talking them out,
it'll often cause you to feel helpless, thus your brain will believe you're in danger when you're really not.
经常会让你感觉无助,因此你的大脑会误以为你处于危险之中 。
Instead of criticizing or being hard on yourself,
try practicing positive self-talk and healthy mantras like 'you can do it' or 'this too shall pass'.
试着练习积极的自我对话和一些健康的祷文,如‘你能行’或者‘会过去的’ 。
3. You live on your couch or bed.
3. 住在沙发或床上 。
Loneliness can encourage us to stay locked in our homes, specifically one spot like the couch or bed.
孤独会让我们将自己锁在房间里,尤其是沙发或床这样的地方 。
You may find you have no problem wearing your PJs all day or binge watching TV.
你或许会发现整天穿睡衣或狂看电视都没问题 。
Doing this every once in a while is understandable, but if you do this on a daily basis,
then something may be wrong, especially if you feel emptier than fulfilled.
那么情况就有些不对了,特别是如果你感到更加空虚而不是满足 。
Crack open a window, let some fresh air in and go out for a walk.
打开窗户,让一些新鲜空气进来,出去散散步 。
Being in nature can help us feel connected and stay in the present.
置身于大自然中可以帮助我们感到与外界的联系,让我们活在当下 。
4. You have difficulty with social situations.
4. 有社交困难 。
Research shows that people who are lonely experience a harder time understanding and adapting social skills.
研究发现孤独的人更加难以理解适应社交技能 。
Maybe you realize you have to put yourself out there more in order to make friends and establish a bigger Network.
或许你意识到了自己需要更多的去社交,为的是能交朋友并建立一个更大的关系网 。
But, you might sweat at the thought of it and make up excuses for yourself,
like believing you're unapproachable or like you're not eloquent enough to stir up interesting conversations.
比如认为自己很难接近,或者没有足够的口才来挑起有趣的对话 。
Don't listen to those negative thoughts, instead, remind yourself that you're only human
and give yourself pep talks to boost your confidence.
并给自己加油打气,增进自信 。
5. You choose materials over people.
5. 选择物质而不是人 。
Do you spend more time buying things rather than making plans with people?
Having nice things can seem great the first few minutes when you get that adrenaline rush
knowing you got them while they were on sale. But this excitement is not sustainable in the long run.
拥有美好的东西似乎是一件很棒的事情 。但这种刺激不会持续太久 。
In the end, our experiences hold more meaning than what we own.
最终,我们的经历比我们所拥有的更加有意义 。
Substitute your shopping sprees with family nights or vacation with your romantic partner.
用家人之夜或和伴侣的假期来替代抢购狂欢 。
6. You're gaining weight.
6. 体重增加 。
Maybe it's not just the cake or all the pizza that's been making your digits go up,
loneliness can often cause us to overeat when we feel like we can eat our problems away.
孤独经常会导致吃太多,因为我们觉得可以吃走我们的问题 。
Our negative headspace makes us most vulnerable when we opted for sugary sweets and carbs that we deem as comfort food.
当我们选择甜食和碳水化合物作为我们的安慰食物时,我们的消极顶端空间会让我们更加脆弱 。
Consequently, our bodies will start to suffer from high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
因此,我们的身体将开始遭受高胆固醇和高血压的折磨 。
The next time you experience loneliness, try not to eat alone. Instead, prepare meals with friends and family.
下次你感到孤独时,不要一个人吃,和家人朋友一起做饭 。
7. Alone time doesn't feel fun anymore.
7. 独处的时间不再有乐趣 。
There's nothing wrong with being a natural homebody,
but if you find yourself growing irritable instead of relaxed doing solitary hobbies,
it might be time to evaluate what's going on.
那么是时候评估一下到底发生了什么 。
If you absolutely feel like you have no one to turn to, talk to your doctor, counselor or HR manager.
如果你真的觉得没有人可以依靠,就和你的医生、顾问或HR经理谈谈 。
Never assume you have to bottle things up.
永远不要认为你必须把事情憋在心里 。
You are loved and deserve a network of people who care about you.
有人爱着你,你值得拥有一群关心你的人 。
Want more self-help content? Check out and subscribe YesReneau's channel.
想了解更多自救内容?观看并订阅YesReneau的频道 。
She creates videos on motivation, travelling and overall, just learning how to take one day at a time.
她制作了关于动力、旅行等等的视频,去学习如何过好每一天吧 。
It would mean a lot not only to her, but to us.
这对我们和她意义重大 。
Also, if you liked this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up. As always, thanks for watching!
如果你喜欢本期视频,请点赞 。感谢收看!