If you've been to Disneyland you may feel like you've seen parts of this castle before
but you're not dreaming, Sleeping Beauty. This fairytale castle is real.
你不是在做梦,睡美人儿 。世间真有这座童话般的城堡 。
Neuschwanstein Castle was commissioned by King Ludwig II of Bavaria in 1869.
新天鹅堡是1869年由巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世建造的 。
He wanted the castle to resemble earlier German palaces,
but the result is a combination of styles and influences ranging from the Romanesque to Gothic.
结果却修成了融合了从罗马式到哥特式多种风格在内的一座建筑 。
His castle may look familiar.
或许,他的这座城堡看上去有些眼熟 。
It's the inspiration behind Sleeping Beauty's castle at Disneyland.
因为迪士尼出品的《睡美人》里的城堡的灵感就来源于此 。
King Ludwig II was adored by the people.
国王路德维希二世深受人民的爱戴 。
He was more commonly known as the fairytale king,
人们通常称他为 “童话国王”,
for his love of escaping reality and his responsibilities as king with music plays and fairytale stories.
因为他喜欢逃避现实,逃避自己作为国王的责任,反而热爱音乐,戏剧和童话故事 。
However King Ludwig did not get his fairytale ending.
然而,路德维希国王自己并没能得到童话般的结局 。
He was declared insane in 1886 and removed his king by his cabinet.
1886年,他被宣布精神失常,内阁罢免了他的国王称号 。
A few days later, he died under mysterious circumstances.
几天后,他就神秘离世了 。
He only had a chance to live in the unfinished castle for six months before his death.
去世前,他只在这座尚未完工的城堡里住了六个月 。
Regardless, this castle has inspired the imagination of countless generations.
尽管如此,这座城堡还是激发了无数代人的想象力 。