日期:2018-11-28 17:32
Hello, I'm Karen Giannone. This is BBC World News our headlines.
大家好 我是凯伦·吉奥妮 这里是BBC世界新闻头条
Martial law has come into effect in parts of Ukraine after a maritime clash with Russia on Sunday.
周日与俄罗斯发生海上冲突后 乌克兰部分地区的戒严令已经生效
The tensions prompted President Trump to say he might pull out of a meeting with President Putin this week.
鉴于乌俄之间的紧张局势 特朗普总统称其可能退出本周与普京总统举行的会议
Republicans in the United States have extended their majority in the Senate following a rerun election in Mississippi dogged by racial tension.
种族紧张关系导致密西西比进行了重新选举 之后 美国共和党扩大了其在参议院中的多数席位优势