Every breakup sucks. While some are worse than others, they all affect us in one form or another.
分手糟糕透了 。虽然一些分手经历会更加糟糕,但不管哪种都会对我们产生影响 。
Whether it was an amicable or fury-induced split, we'll provide you with solid tips on how to get over your ex.
不论是和平分手还是愤怒分手,我们将为大家提供一些忘记前任的方法 。
1. Cut off contact at least for a while.
1. 至少短期内切断和对方的联系 。
Whether you're the dumper or the dumpee, it's not healthy to keep tabs on your ex once the relationship is over.
不论你是甩人还是被甩,一旦关系结束,还和前任保持联系是不健康的 。
You might want to be mature and remain on friendly terms with your ex
but you won't give yourself enough time to heal from the break-up.
但你需要给自己足够的时间从分手中恢复过来 。
Tell your ex that you'll need space for a while.
告诉你的前任,你需要自己的一个人静静 。
You should also consider trimming them from your social media feeds
by unfollowing or muting their activity to prevent potential instances of jealousy, nostalgia or target of passive aggression.
对他们取消关注或是屏蔽他们,阻止潜在的妒忌、念旧或是被动攻击的目标 。
2. Take up a new hobby.
2. 开始一个新的爱好 。
Being newly single doesn't have to be a bad thing.
恢复单身并不是一件坏事 。
When you're in a relationship you have less time for yourself since much of it is devoted to your partner.
恋爱时,属于自己的时间很少,因为时间都花在了对象身上 。
On the other hand, when you're single you can get to know yourself more intimately.
另一方面,单身的时候,你可以更加亲密地了解自己 。
You're free to discover your interests and dedicate your time to whatever you want.
你可以自由探索自己的兴趣,将时间专注于自己身上 。
Is there a particular class or hobby that you've always wanted to participate in?
Perhaps it's animation, painting, puzzles, gardening, sports, a book club or even the theater, the possibilities are endless.
可以是卡通制作、绘画、智力游戏、园艺、体育运动、读书俱乐部,甚至是剧院,可能性是无穷尽的 。
Learning a new skill and acquiring a new purpose will boost your self-esteem and independence.
学习一项新的技能,获得一个新的目标将增加你的自尊和独立性 。
3. Pamper yourself.
3. 纵容自己 。
Indulge yourself in junk food and sappy movies since your ex won't be there to treat you anymore.
让自己沉浸在垃圾食品和电影中,反正你的前任在也不在你身边了 。
Take a vacation, take a week or a weekend to relax somewhere with your friends,
take a spa day and rid yourself of the daily stresses that pile on top of your relationship loss.
泡个温泉让自己忘记堆积在分手上的压力 。
4. Be real with yourself.
4. 对自己诚实 。
Use your time alone to reflect on your relationship before the break-up.
利用自己的独处时间反省分手前你们之间的关系 。
Though you may have positive memories of your partner and the time you spent together
it is important to remember that there were problems that inevitably drove you two a part.
重要的要记住,总有一些问题会将你们分开,这是不可避免的 。
While you might want to fix things,
accpet that the two of you might simply be incompatible and that breaking up was the best course of action in the long run.
但要接受你们两个人就是互不相容的,而从长期来看,分手是最好的办法 。
5. Vent to your loved ones.
5. 向爱的人发泄自己 。
It is important to have a decent support system to help you through a breakup.
重要的是拥有一个适合的支持体系帮助你度过分手期 。
When you're feeling angry or hurt, your friends can justify your feelings and remind you that you're not alone.
当你感到生气或受伤的时候,你的朋友可以为你的情感作出解释并提醒你,你不是一个人 。
You might even share some of their own illuminating experiences.
你甚至还可以共享一些他们自己的启发性经历 。
Additionally, research shows that merely verbalizing your feelings can make negative emotions less intense.
此外,研究表明用语言发泄自己的情感可以缓解那些负面的情绪 。
6. Listen to sad music.
6. 听悲伤的音乐 。
During a breakup, your brain is actually attracted to sad music.
When an artist you've never met can articulate your exact thoughts and feelings through words and sounds
it's proof that you're not alone. You're a human, sharing in a human experience.
这证明你不是一个人 。你们是分享同一种人类经历的两个人 。
Moreover, a recent study has found that sad songs can actually elicit peacefulness in the listener.
此外,一项近期研究发现悲伤的音乐可以引起听者内心的平静 。
It can also make us cry which can be cathartic and mood boosting, so go ahead and listen to that breakup playlist on repeat.
悲伤音乐也会让我们哭,这是一种精神的宣泄,可以改善心情,所以去吧,去反复倾听分手歌单上的歌 。
7. Accpet the past.
7. 接受过去 。
If your breakup was less than amicable, you might be harboring some regret and hostility towards your ex.
如果你们不是和平分手,或许你会对前任怀着一些悔恨和敌意 。
Allow yourself the time necessary to grieve but be careful not to let it consume your identity.
给自己一些必要的时间去悲伤,但要注意不要让它消耗自己的认同感 。
Emotional grudges not only contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety
but they will negatively impact your future relationships. Forgive your ex, forgive yourself and move on.
还会对你未来感情造成消极影响 。原谅前任,放过自己,继续前进 。
8. It's okay to still love your ex.
8. 就算还爱着前任也没关系啊 。
The worst part of a breakup is the dissonance from hurting over your ex's actions you're hurting that they're gone.
分手最糟糕的是被前任的行为不一所伤到,你被他们的离去而伤害 。
Breaking up doesn't mean that the love between you is completely dead.
分手并不意味着你们之间的爱完全逝去 。
Whether it's been a few years or a few months, the two of you made memories together and played significant roles in each other's lives.
不论是过了几年还是几个月,你们俩一同制造的回忆以及你们在彼此生命中扮演的角色仍然存在 。
Unfortunately, love just isn't enough and there are many things that factor into making a relationship work.
不幸的是,仅仅有爱是不够的,很多不同的因素在一起才能促成一段关系 。
Understand that love sometimes means wanting the best for each other and sometimes that means breaking up.
要理解有时爱意味着想给对方最好的,而有时则意味着分手 。
9. Feel good about the rebound.
9. 接受下一段感情 。
A 2014 study found that people who rebounded with a new partner after a breakup
reported a better sense of well-being than those who stayed single for long periods of time afterwards.
与那些分手后长期保持单身的人相比,前者有更多的幸福感 。
However, the rebounds in this study happened approximately seven months after their first breakup.
但在该研究中,他们是在分手近七个月后才开始下一段关系的 。
Therefore while it's important for you to heal before moving on, stay open to new possibilities,
don't turn away a new chance at love because you're hung up on your ex.
不要因为你还想着前任,就拒绝那些新的机会 。
Breakups are always hard but they aren't impossible to get through. You can do it!
分手艰难,但并非不可度过 。你可以的!
Do you have any tips to share that aren't on this list?
Feel free to share them by writing in the comments section down below. Thanks for watching!
请在下方评论分享 。感谢收看 。