Voice 1: But, Joey wanted to take a break from being a selfish athlete. He was ready to stop using all his time to make himself better. He wanted to use his time and resources to make the world better. And this is why Joey decided to give his Olympic medal money to the group called Right to Play.
声音1:但是,乔伊想结束作为自私运动员的生活 。他准备不再将所有时间都花费在使自己变得更好上 。他想利用自己的时间和资源来使世界变得更好 。这就是乔伊决定将赢得奥运会奖牌所获的奖金捐给“儿童乐益会”的原因 。
Voice 2: Right to Play is a group that helps children in poor or war-torn countries develop and grow through sports. Right to Play believes that playing sports helps children develop into healthier adults. Sports help children form healthy relationships with other children. Competing in sports makes children feel more powerful. Sports teach children important life skills like learning to accept defeat. And sports are fun! All children, no matter where they live, deserve to have fun!
声音2:“儿童乐益会”组织通过开展体育活动来帮助贫穷国家或饱受战争蹂躏国家的儿童成长并发展 。“儿童乐益会”组织认为,参加体育活动能帮助儿童成长为更健康的大人 。体育活动帮助儿童与其他儿童建立健康的关系 。体育竞争能使儿童感觉自己强大有力 。体育会教会儿童一些重要的生活技能,比如学会接受失败 。而且体育活动会带来很多乐趣!无论生活在哪里,所有儿童都应该享受乐趣!