Voice 1: Joey could have kept that money for himself. He could have used it to buy more equipment for his sport. He could have spent it on cars or houses or anything! But he decided to do something different. He decided to use his Olympic medals to make a difference in the world. He gave that money to a group called Right to Play. Today's Spotlight is on Joey and the group he works with, Right to Play.
声音1:乔伊可以自己留下这笔钱 。他可以用来购买更多的运动装备 。他可以买车或买房或其他任何东西!但是他决定做些与众不同的事情 。他决定用奥运会奖牌来改变世界 。他将奖金捐给了一个名为“儿童乐益会”的组织 。今天的重点报道节目就来讲述乔伊和与他合作的组织“儿童乐益会”的故事 。
Voice 2: We will talk more about what the group Right to Play is doing with Joey's money later in the program. But first, let's learn a little bit more about Olympic speed skater, Joey Cheek.
声音2:稍后我们将介绍“儿童乐益会”组织如何善用乔伊的捐款 。不过我们首先来了解一下奥运会速滑选手乔伊·齐克 。
Voice 1: Joey began speed skating in 1995. He won a bronze medal at the Olympics in 2002. He was twenty-six years old at the 2006 Olympics when he won the gold and silver medals.
声音1:乔伊从1995年开始练习速滑 。他在2002年冬奥会上获得了一枚铜牌 。然后在2006年冬奥会获得一枚金牌和多枚银牌,当时他26岁 。