In recent years, there have been new findings that have radically changed the way many of us view sexuality and gender.
近些年的一些新发现从根本上改变了我们对性和性别的观念 。
Today's youth will have a new and prejudiced-free understanding of these topics. That's great.
现下的孩子们对这些话题有了不带偏见的新理解 。这样很棒 。
But what about the rest of us who have completed our formal education? We're already being taught outdated sex-ed program.
但是剩下的那些早已接受了传统教育的人该怎么办么?我们所接受的性教育项目已经过时了 。
In the United States, 80% of schools are failing government standards for sex-ed.
在美国,80%的学校都没能按照政府的性教育标准进行教育 。
In turn, this lack of education has resulted in the ignorance and mistreatment of trans and gender non-conforming individuals.
反过来,这种教育缺失会导致对跨性别者和性别不适者的忽视和错误对待 。
Let's take a look at sex, gender and orientation.
让我们来了解一下,性、性别和性取向 。
Here's a brief look of their differences, what we can change and what we can't.
先简要了解一下它们之间的区别,以及什么可改变,什么无法改变 。
Sex. sex is what lies between our legs, it is the physiology we are born with.
性 。性是存在于两腿之间的东西,是生而便存在的生理机能 。
Our sex consists of our biological makeup which can include things like
our genitals, our secondary sex characteristics, our placement of body hair,
hip width, our hair lines and our chromosomal makeup.
臀围、发线)以及染色体组成 。
As you might know, your chromosomal makeup can determine sex characteristics that are typical of males or females.
大家应该都知道,染色体组成可以决定男性女性的性别特征 。
The problem with relying solely on science to determine someone's gender, biology can be tricky.
仅依据科学来决定性别,生物学也是很微妙的 。
Having male or female typical chromosomes doesn't always lead to the secondary sex characteristics, typical to that sex.
拥有男性或女性典型染色体并不一定会引发该性别的典型第二性别特征 。
People with male typical XY chromosomal combinations may actually exhibit female characteristics instead.
带有XY染色体的男性也可能会有女性特征 。
This contrast between makeup and characteristics is what many call intersex.
这种组成和特征之间的差异被很多人成为间性体(雌雄间性) 。
Intersex individuals often do not fit typical definitions of male or female bodies.
间性体者通常不能用女性或男性躯体来定义 。
Gender. Gender is a construct. I know we've all heard this before, we hear people say it all the time
性别 。性别是一种概念 。我们之前也都听别人说过,
but what does it actually mean? Well, it means gender is what we make it out to be.
但是这到底代表着什么呢?这意味着性别是我们该有的样子 。
Our genders consist of two things: the first is our gender identity.
我们的性别包含两种概念:首先是我们的性别认同 。
This is what we think about ourselves and how we interpret gender; the second is our gender expression.
这代表着我们如何看待自己以及如何解释自己的性别;第二种是我们的性别表达 。
Gender expression is how we demonstrate our gender in our behaviors, mannerisms and forms of dress.
性别表达是我们如何诠释自己性别的行为、特殊习惯以及穿着方式 。
Gender also consists of the societal expectations and stereotypes we place on people.
性别还包括社会期望以及我们对他人的模式化形象 。
We often base these expectations of their sex characteristics.
我们常以个人性别特征的这些特征为基础 。
You may have heard of some of these typical stereotypes:
pink for girls, blue for boys; action figures versus dolls; long hair versus buzz cuts;
women must be feminine while men must be masculine.
女性一定要有女人味,而男性则有阳刚 。
This is not to discredit or disrespect any girly girls or manly men out there.
这并不是对任何软妹子或汉子的怀疑或不尊重 。
Many of us feel comfortable in our expected genders and that's perfectly okay.
我们大多数人都对自己的期待性别感到满意舒适,这样很好 。
But of course, there are a number of people who don't want to adhere to every norm.
但是当然也有一部分人并不喜欢遵循常规 。
Different people view and express their gender differently.
不同的人看待和表达自己性别的方式有所不同 。
There are some people who do not identify with the gender role the world has given them
and so they identify as another, these are transgender people.
因此他们将自己的定义为另一种性别,这些即为跨性别者 。
There are also people who prefer to have both or neither of the traditional men women gender titles,
these are non-binary or genderqueer people.
这些即为非二元性别或中性人 。
Orientation. Orientation is about who we like.
性取向 。性取向是关于我们喜欢谁 。
Orientation is about the sex-gender combination or lack thereof that we are most attracted to.
性取向指的是性和性别的结合或是缺失 。
Most people are heterosexual. They are attracted to people of the opposite gender.
多数人是异性恋 。他们被异性所吸引 。
Homosexual people are attracted to those of the same gender.
同性恋被同性别的人所吸引 。
Bisexual people are attracted to people of both genders.
双性恋者会被两种性别吸引 。
Some people couldn't care less about gender, to some, it's all about the appeal of masculine or feminine energy.
一些人很在意性别,对另一些人而言,喜不喜欢只是关于阳刚或阴柔能量的感召而已 。
Some people are pansexual. This means that they are capable of falling for someone regardless of their sex or gender presentation.
一些人是泛性恋者 。这意味着,不论对方性别为何,他们都有可能爱上对方 。
A lot of people seem to think this one a choice but we all just feel what we feel.
很多人似乎认为这只是一种选择,但是我们只是跟着感觉走 。
Our urges are innate and made subconsciously.
我们的冲动是天生的,只不过它隐藏在你的潜意识中 。
The only choice anyone has about who they fall for is the choice to pursue them or not.
选择喜欢谁是在选择要不要追寻这种方式 。
Please remember, these definitions are brief and sexuality is fast and complicated.
Some of these is obvious to many of you but considering the statistics we have on sex education today,
a lot of us may benefit from this information.
大部分人都能从中获益 。
If you'd like to see more on this topic, you can view the full article using the link below.
如果你想看更多相关内容,可以点击下方链接浏览全文 。
Psych2go has a new LGBT section dedicated to more topics like this one.
Psych2go为感兴趣的人建立了一个新版块—LGBT 。
Interested? Head on over to psych2go.net for more.
感兴趣?点击psych2go.net观看更多内容 。
Do you have any opinions of your own about sex gender and orientation?
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