This is a California roll, and it was probably invented in Japan. Wrong.
这个是加利福利亚寿司卷,应该是日本发明的吧 。不是 。
Oh, California? Nope, it was invented in Canada. Oh.
噢,那是加利福利亚了?也不是,是加拿大 。哦 。
This is Chef Tojo. Hi, I'm sushichef Tojo.
这位是东条厨师 。大家好 。我是寿司厨师东条 。
He helped make sushi, one of the most popular foods in the U.S. and Canada.
他制作的正是美国和加拿大最受欢迎的美食之一——寿司 。
But to understand this, we have to take a look back.
但要理解这一点,我们要先来回顾一下历史 。
It was 1971, and sushi wasn't popular.
时间是1971年,那时寿司还不怎么受欢迎 。
When it came to Japanese food, people only liked a couple things.
提到日本料理,日本人喜欢吃的只有那么两三样东西 。
Just people eating tempura and also teriyaki.
人们只喜欢吃天妇罗和照烧 。
Turns out, North Americans, they did not like seaweed. No, no, no way.
原来,北美人并不喜欢海草 。不,不,不要这个 。
"looks terrible," they said. Some people, "Yuck!" you know.
他们会觉得,“看着就好难吃啊,”有人甚至还会觉得恶心你知道嘛 。
So Tojo did something crazy. He wrapped the rice on the outside of the seaweed. To hide it.
所以东条就做了个疯狂的决定 。他把米饭包在海草外面 。把海草藏起来 。
In Japan, people, they bashing me. "Oh, this is a wrong idea, wrong idea." But people like it.
在日本,大家会抨击我,说,“你这么弄是错的,错的 。”但大家很喜欢吃 。
And Chef Tojo, he did not stop there.
东条厨师却并没有就此罢休 。
Okey, everybody eats cucumber, avocado, and cooked crab. Just I changed its preparation. Just roll.
好吧,大家都喜欢吃黄瓜啊,牛油果啊,蟹柳啊,我就只是换了种做法,就只是这么一卷 。
So he rolled these preferred ingredients into one-- Beautiful. Amazing. Cuisine-changing roll.
所以他就把这些大家喜爱的食材统统卷到一起,好看,了不起!改变烹调方式的寿司卷 。
I didn't call it a California roll. We call it an inside-out roll.
我并没有给这个寿司卷起名为加州卷,我们取的名字叫反捲寿司 。
Word is, it got the name California Roll, because it was so popular with people who came to his restaurant from L.A.
据说,加州卷这个名字起源于这个寿司在从洛杉矶来他餐厅吃饭的人中间特别受欢迎 。
And the roll made people think differently about sushi.
而且,这种寿司改变了人们对寿司的看法 。
It was some sort of gateway roll.
有点儿打开新世界大门的味道 。
People starting with California roll,"Oh, this is very good." Then, smoked salmon and tuna. Step by step, they love it.
人们会从接受加州卷开始,觉得,“咦,不错嘛”,然后逐渐接受了烟熏三文鱼、金枪鱼 。他们就这样一步步地爱上了寿司 。
Chef Tojo's beginner roll was such a success, Japan's Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry, and Fisheries appointed him as the nation's Goodwill Ambassador for Japanese cuisine.
东条厨师的“新手卷”实在是太成功了,连日本农林渔业部门还给他颁布了“日本料理友好大使”的称号 。
And now, sushi is everywhere.
如今,寿司已经随处可见了 。
Stickers on your notebook. USB drives. Play-Doh molds. Wooden toy sets everywhere.
笔记本贴纸,U盘,橡皮泥模具,木质玩具,到处都有寿司的影子 。
Maybe not all thanks to Chef Tojo-- But definitely partly.
虽然我们不能说这全是东条厨师的功劳,但他绝对是有功劳的 。