a conservationist Paul Rosalee set out to be eaten alive by a green anaconda.
动物保护主义者保罗·罗萨莱正准备被一只绿水蚺活吞 。
The armor will be Paul's only barrier between life and death.
是生是死,就看盔甲了 。
So we have the force sensor on your back.
我们在你的背上安装了力传感器 。
We're gonna be able to measure how much force in this anaconda constricted.
这样我们就能测试这条巨蟒对你的挤压力有多大了 。
If this snake does try to eat me, this is because I'm so top to toe in pig's blood.
如果这条蛇确实想吃掉我,那也是因为我身上涂满了猪血的缘故 。
So I really smell like dinner to this animal.
所以,对这个家伙来说,我闻上去确实像一顿大餐 。
The first strike hits Paul's helmet.
蟒蛇首先对保罗的头盔发起了攻击 。
But the snake can't latch on.
但它没能咬住 。
The power in that coil is just...
She is using her weight.
她正在用她的体重压我 。
She knows there's nothing I can do.
她知道我奈何不了她 。
Oh my God.
天啦 。
Guys, my face is down.
兄弟们,我的脸被压在下面了 。
I can't feel my arms. She's squeezing hard.
我的手臂已经失去知觉了 。 她在用力挤压我 。
Paul, are you ok?
Paul, you ok?
My arm.
我的手臂 。
Paul? My arm's torquing.
保罗? 我的手臂被扭伤了 。
This thing is gonna break.
盔甲要被挤烂了 。
Ok. Ok.
好的,明白 。
Got it. I got its tail.
抓住了 。 我抓住尾巴了 。
Watch it, watch it!
Get him helmet off.
把他头盔拿下来 。
Get the body armor off first.
先脱他的盔甲 。
She was trying to do everything she could to kill me.
她刚刚是想尽一切办法要弄死我的 。
I didn't have that suit, my ribcage would have lasted 30 seconds at that sneaking command.
要是没有那个盔甲,我的胸腔只需30秒就会被挤爆 。