I founded Unchained in 2011.
我是2011年成立的“终于解脱了”这一组织 。
Since then, we have helped about 500 people to escape forced marriages.
这一路走来,我们已帮助了将近500人逃离了包办婚姻的魔掌 。
But more and more girls under 18 were reaching out to ask for help
and we realize, under 18, there's almost nothing legally that we can do to help these girls.
我们也意识到,根本就没有相关的法律程序能够让我们帮到那些未成年女孩儿 。
Really the only way to help them is to change the laws.
唯一能帮到他们的办法就是修改法律 。
In many states, the loopholes in their marriage age laws were so gaping that they didn't specify any minimum age for marriage.
很多州关于结婚年龄的法律都有非常大的漏洞,他们根本就没有最低结婚年龄的规定 。
Thanks to your leadership, we're really, really hopeful that we can finally end child marriage in the United States.
感谢你的英明领导,我们真的真的非常希望我们能够彻底结束美国的童婚现象 。
We finally had our first victory.
最后,我们终于首战告捷了 。
Delaware became the first U.S. state to end child marriage.
特拉华州成了美国首个结束童婚的州 。
And then, soon thereafter, New Jersey became the second state no marriage before age 18.
不久,新泽西州便成了第二个规定18岁前不准结婚的州 。
We're using the democratic process.
我们正在发挥民主进程的作用 。
We are raising awareness, and we're meeting with legislators one at a time;
and we hold these chain-ins as a form of protest that we invented where we gather
and we all wear bridal gowns and veils,
and we chain our wrists to show legislators this is what life looks like for a girl or a woman who is forced to marry.
我们把锁链戴在手上,是为了告诉立法人员女孩儿和女人们在强迫婚姻里过就是这样的日子 。
Every time I'm able to help somebody whose going through what I went through,
that never gets old; that feeling, it's so healing and empowering.
就会有那种感觉,会觉得特别特别治愈,也特别特别鼓舞人心 。
And for all those that I couldn't help, especially the children, those under 18,
where there was nothing that we could do, passing those laws to end child marriage,
it's, you know, my message to them,
I'm sorry I couldn't help you, but this will never happen again, at least in this state.
对不起,我救不了你,但这种情况不会再发生了,至少在这个州不会 。
Until I am too old to wear my heels anymore and too old to put on my red lipstick in the morning,
I am going to be still fighting to end forced and child marriage in the United States,
still helping the individuals who are affected by it and still pushing for policy change and legal change,
就会继续帮助那些被这个问题困扰的同胞,就会继续推动政策改革和法律改革 。
and we're not giving up.
我们绝不放弃 。