May 29th 1953. Clemens Edmund Hillary and Tensing Norkay become the first to reach the top of the Mount Everest in Asia's Himalayas.
1953年5月29日,埃德蒙.希拉里和丹增·诺盖登上亚洲喜马拉雅山脉埃佛勒斯峰的顶峰,成为登上该山顶峰的第一人 。
Years later, Hillary says he would not have made to the summit of the world's highest peak without his partner.
多年后,希拉里表示没有他的伙伴,他不可能登上世界最高峰的山顶 。
"Teamwork it was that got Tenzing and me on the top of the Everest."
“是团队合作让我和丹增登上了珠穆朗玛峰峰顶 。”
1917. "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country".
1917年,“不要问你的国家可以为你做什么;问问你自己可以为你的国家做些什么 。”
President John F. Kennedy is born in the Boston suburb of Brookline, Massachusetts.
约翰·F·肯尼迪总统在马萨诸塞州布鲁克莱恩波士顿郊区出生 。
Kennedy inspires Americans with his charisma basing cold war crisis from Cuba to Berlin before he was assassinated in Dallas.
从古巴到柏林的冷战危机时期,在达拉斯遇刺前,肯尼迪一直用他的魅力激励着美国人 。
1765. A decade before the American Revolution, Patrick Henry denounces his Britain's Stamp Act before Virginia's House of Burgesses.
1765年,美国独立战争的10年前,帕特里克·亨利在弗吉尼亚州下议院前谴责英国印花税法案 。
Responding to a cry of treason against British colonial rule, Henry declares: "If this be treason, make the most of it!"
And 1903. Comedian Bob Hope who entertained Americans and US troops worldwide for decades, is born in London.
1903年,数十年来,为美国人和全世界美国士兵带去欢乐的喜剧演员鲍勃·霍普在伦敦出生 。
Today In History, May 29th, Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press.
以上是5月29日《历史上的今天》,美联社桑迪·科泽尔为您播报 。