An investigation is under way north of Boston after gas explosions rip through three towns yesterday, killing one person.
昨晚,波士顿北部天然气爆炸侵扰三个城镇,造成一人死亡,目前事故原因正在调查 。
Today, state officials blamed overpressurized gas lines.
今天,大州官员认为是天然气管线压力过大 。
But they said it is still not clear exactly what sparked the explosions.
但他们称目前仍不清楚具体爆炸原因 。
The fires engulfed at least 39 homes in North Andover, Andover, and Lawrence, forcing 8,000 people to flee.
北安多佛,安多佛以及劳伦斯三镇的至少39栋房屋被烧毁,八千人被迫撤离 。
The Andover fire chief said it looked like a war zone.
安多佛消防署署长称这看上去像战区 。
I have been in this, in the fire service for almost 39 years, and I have never seen anything like this in my entire career.
我在消防部门就职差不多39年了,但我从来没有见过这样的场面 。
It looked like Armageddon. It really did. There were billows, billows of smoke coming from Lawrence behind me.
像是世界末日,真的如此,我身后的劳伦斯浓烟滚滚 。
I could see plumes of smoke in front of me within the town of Andover.
而在安多佛镇,我的前方也是浓烟滚滚 。
The governor of Massachusetts declared an emergency today, as safety workers checked homes block by block.
马萨诸塞州州长今天宣布进入紧急状态,安全人员挨家挨户进行检查 。
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is accusing his predecessor,
John Kerry, of working against President Trump's policy toward Iran.
约翰·克里在伊朗问题上反对特朗普的政策 。
Last May, Mr. Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal that Kerry had negotiated under President Obama.
今年5月份,特朗普退出伊朗核协议,而在奥巴马时期,克里曾对该协议进行过商讨 。
Today, Pompeo attack Kerry's meetings with Iran's foreign minister since leaving office.
离任之后,克里两次与伊朗外长举行会晤,此举遭到蓬佩奥的攻击 。
What Secretary Kerry has done is unseemly and unprecedented.
克里国务卿的所作所为是不合适的,是没有先例的 。
This is a former secretary of state engaged with the world's largest state sponsor of terror.
前国务卿参与全球第一大恐怖主义支持国交涉 。
Actively undermining U.S. policy, as a former secretary of state, is literally unheard of.
此举破坏了美国的政策,作为前国务卿,此举是从未听说过的 。
Last night, President Trump accused Kerry of holding illegal meetings.
昨晚,特朗普总统指责克里举行非法会议 。
And late today, Kerry tweeted that the president's real worry should be his former campaign chair,
Paul Manafort, meeting with the Russia special counsel under a plea deal.
保罗·马纳福特,他通过辩论交易与俄罗斯问题特别检察官会面 。
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo today hailed his victory in Thursday's Democratic primary.
今天,纽约州长安德鲁·库默宣布在周四的民主党初选中获胜 。
The two-term governor defeated actress-turned-activist Cynthia Nixon by 30 points after outspending her 8-1.
已任职两届的库默以30%的优势打败了演员转活动人士的辛西娅·尼克松,开销方面库默以8-1的优势领先 。
Cuomo now heads into November's general election as the heavy favorite.
在11月份的中期选举中,库默将成为热门竞争者 。