May 27th, 1937. The newly completed Golden Gate Bridge opens to the public, connecting San Francisco and Marin County, California.
1937年5月27日,新完工的金门大桥向公众开放,这座大桥连接旧金山和加利福尼亚马林郡 。
For the bridge's first day, only pedestrians were allowed onto the span.
在大桥开放第一天,只允许行人通过 。
Louis Riogiado helped build the famous suspension bridge:
Louis Riogiado帮助建造了这座著名的吊桥:
"Nothing more thrilling amaze than that I get a woman to the bridge in my car and drive through,
and see these towers as they stand up majestically against the sky. How wonderful it is!"
1999. A UN tribunal in the Netherlands indicts Yugoslavia President Slobodan Milosevic and 4 of his aides for war crimes in Kosovo.
1999年,荷兰一联合国法庭起诉南斯拉夫总统斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇以及他的四名助手在科索沃犯有战争罪 。
2 years later, Milosevic is arrested and handed over to the tribunal. In 2006, he's found dead in his prison cell, while still on trial.
两年后,米洛舍维奇被捕并被移交法庭 。2006年,他在监狱中去世,当时仍在审判期 。
1941. During World War II, the British Navy sinks Nazi Germany's battle ship Bismarck off the coast of France.
1941年,二战期间,英国海军将纳粹德国战舰俾斯麦沉入法国海岸 。
1936. The Queen Mary, one of the world's great ocean liners leaves England on its maiden voyage.
1936年,世界上最大的远洋班轮之一,玛丽王后号离开英国,开始了她的处女航 。
The ship, part of the Cunard Line, is now retired, serving as a hotel and conference center in Long Beach, California.
这艘船属于库纳德邮轮,现已退役于加利福尼亚长岛,成了当地的酒店和会议中心 。
And 1995. Actor Christopher Reeve is paralyzed when he is thrown from his horse during an equestrian event in Charlottesville, Virginia.
1995年,演员克里斯托弗·里夫在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔的马术比赛中从马上摔下来后瘫痪 。
Reeve, best known for playing Superman on the silver screen, dies more than 9 years later.
因在电影中出演超人一角而出名的里夫于9年后去世 。
Today in History, May 27th, Camille Bohannon, the Associated Press.
以上是5月27日《历史上的今天》,美联社卡米尔·博汉农为您播报 。