Before the computers came along
if you had a thing, only you could have that thing
and no one else have that thing unless you gave it to the other person in which case you would no longer have it.
除非你把它送给另一个人,在这种情况下你将不再拥有它 。
But that completely changes when goods become digital and accessible online.
Every time you give somebody data on the internet, it's a copy.
你每次在互联网上提供的数据都只是一个副本 。
I think the sort of reckoning we had in the 90s and early 2000s was how do we live in a world where everything can be copied infinitely
and you know and what's going to happen to the music industry?
What's going to happen to the news and entertainment industries?
And we've seen it all play out.
我们已经看到这一切了 。
But Cryptokitties can be scarce because of the technology they’re built on.
然而,因为有了它们所依赖的技术,链养猫还是可以做到独一无二的 。
They’re using a blockchain.
为此,他们用到了区块链 。
Specifically, the Ethereum blockchain, so you have to buy them with “ether”.
具体来说就是以太坊区块链,也就是说,大家只能用“以太”购买链养猫 。
But you might also be familiar with the original, Bitcoin.
但你也可能对“以太”这种虚拟货币的原型——比特币比较熟悉 。
A blockchain provides a decentralized system for recording transactions, making fraud and piracy a lot harder.
区块链为交易记录提供了一个分散性系统,使欺诈和盗版变得更加困难 。
And so the essence of blockchain is that we have...
let's say, whether you want to say a book or people usually refer to it as a ledger.
打个比方,你也可以称之为一本书,通常人们称其为分类账目 。
And they would say, “Hey, you know, you know, Bob has this, Alice has that.”
账目上清楚地写明了“鲍勃的是这个,爱丽丝的是那个 。”
And then everybody gets a copy of that book.
然后每个人都拿到这本书的副本 。
And if someone comes along and says, “No Alice doesn't have that."
然后,假如有人过来说,“爱丽丝的不是那个 。”
People can point to their own copy of the book and they can say,
“No no no you're wrong. I see right here in this in my copy that Alice has this."
“不不不,你搞错了 。我的这个副本上爱丽丝的就是那个 。“
When a Kitty is born and it's beautiful and I love it,
there’s something very special about knowing that it belongs to me and no one else and no one can take it.
知道它只属于我一个人,没有人能从我这里夺走它,这种感觉很特别 。
But the truth is, it's not all yours.
但事实是,你的链养猫并不完全是你的 。
You own the code for that cat, but not the actual image.
你拥有的是那只猫的代码,而不是它实际的模样 。
In the case of cryptokitties, they have sections in their terms of service that say that they own all of the images,
all of the graphic elements and that they have the right to use them however they want.
还有链养猫包含的所有图形元素,而且,他们有权随意使用这些素材 。
That you actually have no right to use them in any way.
实际上用户是没有任何使用这些素材的权利的 。
That’s not so different from a baseball card.
如此看来,链养猫和棒球卡骑士并没有太大区别 。
If you have, say, a Topps baseball card and it has the player's name on it -- say Barry Bonds, and a picture of Barry Bonds on it --
如果你有Topps牌的棒球卡,上面有球员的名字 - 比如Barry Bonds的名字和照片 -
you own the physical object but you don't own the copyright.
您拥有的是实物而不是版权 。
Owning the physical object doesn't give you the right to print up other cards
拥有实物不代表你有权利加印更多卡片 。
but it does give you the right to trade your card to someone else or to sell it to a collector.
但你还是有权将卡片转手或出售给收藏人士 。
But for Cryptokitties...So if they decide they want to, say, change the artwork
但拿链养猫来说 ......如果版权方想要对这个产品做些改动,
or if they sell the company to someone who wants to pull the artwork offline
and use it only in their new Cryptokitties movie series, they could do that.
仅供制作新的链养猫电影,他们是可以这么做的 。
And you'd be left just with this string of letters and numbers on the blockchain with no art attached to it at all.
这样一来,你手上的就变成了一串区块链字母和数字,没有了任何艺术价值 。
So I think that's a fundamental difference between real-world collectibles where you have the object and they can't take it away from you and a digital collectible.
在我看来,这是虚拟收藏品和现实世界的收藏品之间的根本区别,在现实世界,别人是无法夺走你的收藏的 。
We really really really wanted to put the art in the blockchain,
because our users, I think most of them conceptually know that what they own is sort of some numbers, in a blockchain.
因为我们的用户,我认为啊,他们中的大多数人还是知道自己拥有的不过是一些区块链数字而已 。
But what you think you own, what you think of as your cat is that picture of the cute little guy with the funny eyes.
但是,大家觉得自己拥有的,你们的猫是那个眼睛很有趣的很可爱的小家伙的照片 。
And unfortunately, the decentralized systems are just not mature enough to support art in a robust way.
遗憾的是,我们的分散型系统还不够成熟,还不能有力地往这些产品身上注入艺术价值 。
Cryptokitties are cute and complicated and they show that we still have a ways to go until we can really keep a digital collectible like we can a baseball card.
链养猫可爱又复杂,同时也说明,数字收藏品要做到像棒球卡一样,我们还有很长的路要走 。
When I was doing research for this video, I became super interested in what makes Cryptokitties a “game."
在做这个视频的相关调查时,我对链养猫如何变成了一种“游戏”这个问题产生了极大的兴趣 。
If that's the sort of thing you're interested in, you should really check out The Verge's YouTube channel.
对这方面感兴趣的话,大家可以去看看The Verge的YouTube频道 。
One of my favorites is on the way medicine is using games to improve cognition.
我最喜欢的一点是药物通过“游戏”来提高人们的认知 。
So, go check them out.
大家快去看吧 。