Things were starting to make more sense to me now.
事情开始变得清晰了 。
I was beginning to see what had really happened to Sarah Salas, and why she was killed.
我开始明白萨拉·萨拉斯到底发生了什么事,也明白了为什么她会被杀掉 。
But I had no proof to show that I was right. I needed to get some real evidence. I went home and rang up Kathy Chang.
但是我没有证据证明自己的推测 。我需要一些真实的证据 。我回到家给凯西·章打电话 。
I asked her to do me a big favor that night. Fortunately, she said "yes." Now I was ready.
我让她帮我个大忙 。幸运的是,她同意了 。现在我准备好了 。
I turned on the television and watched the baseball game. I had some time to kill until it was dark outside.
我打开电视看棒球比赛 。我还有些时间,离深夜还早 。
When it was nighttime, I got in my car and started driving.
夜幕降临,我开走了自己的车 。
When I got near Bill and Sarah's apartment building, I turned off the lights of my car and parked about a block away.
当我快到比尔和萨拉的公寓大楼时,我把车里的灯关了,把车停在街区以外 。
I didn't want anyone to know I was here. It was now 7:30 p.m. I was right on schedule.
我没告诉任何人自己的行踪 。现在是晚上七点半 。时间刚刚好 。