When I go down the slope, it takes me three seconds to get from zero to 60 miles an hour.
I honestly can't explain what it feels like, even after 15 years of doing the sport.
说真的,即便已有15年的从业经历,我还是无法形容那种感觉 。
My name is Sarah Hendrickson, and I'm an Olympic ski jumper.
我是莎拉·亨德里克森,一名奥运跳台滑雪运动员 。
Ski jumping is a sport where I go down a two-track slope at 55 miles an hour
and, when the slope ends, I jump, flying about a football field in length in the air.
然后在雪道的终点起跳,飞过长度和足球场相当的一段距离 。
When I'm getting ready to go,
the smell is of the fresh air from the trees and the snow in the area
and the feeling of cold, brisk air on my face.
我能感觉寒冷而清新的空气扑面而来 。
When I put my goggles on, I know it's time to go.
一戴上护目镜,我就知道我该出发了 。
My eyesight, when I'm going down the slope, is right in front of the tips of my skis.
沿雪道下滑时,我的目光始终集中在我雪板的尖端 。
My skis are bouncing up and down in the track against the ice, it feels like clatter.
If you hear it, it's like a rumble.
仔细听起来,则就像是隆隆声 。
The flight takes three seconds,
but honestly time slows down and it feels like an eternity where I get to enjoy flying.
但说真的,那个时候时间会慢下来,感觉就像永恒的瞬间 。
As I'm flying, I can't hear anything.
飞起来的时候我什么也听不见 。
It's completely silent all around.
周围一片寂静 。
The wind on my body feels like when you put your hand out of a car window going 60 miles an hour.
穿过我身体的风就像以60英里的时速行驶时将手伸出车窗外那种感觉 。
Moving it up and down, you can feel the lift and drag it has on your hand.
把手上下摆动,你能感觉到风的托力和拉力 。
That's like ski jumping but for your whole body.
把手换成全身就跳台滑雪的感觉 。
As I'm flying, I'm totally alone. I'm in control of all my senses and all my movements.
飞行的时候,完全是一个人的世界 。我的所有感官,所有动作都在我的掌握之中 。
It's the best feeling in the world.
那种感觉是无与伦比的 。