Noise from ship traffic has doubled every decade since the 1960s.
自上世纪60年代以来,航运船只产生的噪音每十年就翻一番 。
Basically, anywhere you go, the ambient noise in the ocean is dominated by anthropogenic sound.
基本上,无论走到哪里,海洋中的环境噪声都主要是人类引起的 。
"Let's say I made a measurement 30 years ago
and now if I went to the same place and made the same measurement,
it would be 10 dBs or more higher sound level than what I measured when I started my career.
测量出来的噪声就会比我刚投入工作哪儿测量的高出10个分贝甚至更高 。
That's spooky. "
想想都怪渗人的 。”
That's a huge problem for animals that use sound as their primary sense.
对于主要依赖声音这种感官的动物而言,这无疑是一个巨大的问题 。
Just listen to this audio of how noise from a passing boat totally drowns out dolphin communication.
不信大家听听这条音频里,经过的船只产生的噪声如何完全淹没了海豚相互交流的声音 。
But arguably the worst culprit of underwater sound pollution is a process that sounds like this: This is seismic surveying.
尽管如此,水下噪声污染最大的罪魁祸首听起来可以说是这样:这是地震勘测的声音 。
It's a process that allows companies to locate spots on the ocean floor where they can drill for fossil fuels.
企业就是靠着地质勘测在海底找到可以钻取化石燃料的位置的 。
Boats with about 30-40 airguns that all go off at once will move back and forth over large parts of the ocean.
带着大约30到40支气枪的船只同时出发,在海洋的各大区域来回勘测 。
Bubbles from the horns expand and contract typically every 10 seconds,
creating a huge amount of acoustic energy that maps geological structures deep in the ocean floor.
产生巨大的声能,从而捕捉到海底深处的地质结构 。
And it's about as loud as a jet at takeoff.
这种噪声大得和飞机起飞时的噪声差不多 。
This can go on for weeks at a time.
而这种情况可以一连持续数周 。
A study of seismic survey noise between 1999 and 2009 found that airgun sounds were recorded almost 2500 miles away from the survey ship itself.
1999年至2009年某地震勘测噪声研究发现,距离测量船本身近2500英里(越4km)的地方都能测到气枪的声音 。
At some locations, they were recorded on 80 percent of days for over a year.
在某些地方,一年多的时间里,有80%的时间都能检测到这种声音 。
And that changes how animals behave.
这也改变了动物们的行为方式 。
A study by the Institute of Marine Science at the University of North Carolina found that reef fish abundance decreased by 78 percent during seismic surveying.
北卡罗来纳大学海洋科学研究所的一项研究发现,在地震测量期间,珊瑚鱼的数量下降了78% 。
This is what the reef looked like before seismic surveying in the area.
地震勘测前那里的珊瑚礁是这个样子 。
And this is what it looked like after.
勘测后就变成了这个样子 。
"Seismic surveying is a constroversial topic at the coast and new research is only adding to the conversation.
“地震勘测在沿海地区是一个充满争议的话题,新的研究结果也不过是火上浇油 。
One of those impacted is local fisherman Jack Cox.
当地渔民Jack Cox就在受影响人群之列 。
He's seen first-hand the impact seismic surveying has on fish.
他亲眼目睹了地震勘测对当地的鱼造成的影响 。
"It does something, that — we just don't catch fish.
“地震勘测确实是造成了影响……我们已经不捕鱼了 。
For animals like whales — who rely on complex sound communication systems to socialize, find food, and mate — that poses a huge problem.
像鲸鱼这样的动物 - 依靠复杂的声音通信系统进行社交、寻找食物和交配的动物 - 这给它们带来了巨大的麻烦 。
If you watch this heat map from a study of endangered North Atlantic right whales,
you can see that shipping paths near Boston squeeze the whales into a tiny space where communication is possible —
你会发现,波士顿附近的航运路径将鲸鱼挤到了一个非常狭小的空间,因为只有在那里,它们才能交流 -
it's about a third of what it was without the ships.
这一区域只有原本没有船只时它们的活动范围的三分之一大小 。
Susan Parks, a biology professor at Syracuse, recorded right whale sounds throughout the early 2000s.
在整个21世纪初,锡拉丘兹的生物学教授苏珊·帕克斯一直在记录露脊鲸的声音 。
And when she compared her audio to some that had been recorded in 1956,
she noticed that the older sounds were much deeper than her high-pitched recordings.
她注意到,先前录制的声音比她后面录制的低沉得多 。
It turns out that the whales had started calling at higher and higher frequencies in order to hear each other over the hum of ship noise.
事实表明,这些鲸鱼的叫声已经越来越尖了,为的便是在船舶发出的嗡嗡声中也能够听到对方的声音 。