This fuzzy little creature is a quokka.
这个毛茸茸的小家伙是短尾矮袋鼠 。
And these guys live here off the west coast of Australia on Rottnest Island.
他们生活在澳大利亚西海岸对面的罗特内斯特岛上 。
Quokkas are not only cute, they are camera ready.
短尾矮袋鼠不仅可爱,还特别会拍照 。
And they're taking the internet by storm.
还成了网红 。
So, let's start at the beginning.
我们还是从头说起吧 。
What is a quokka?
A quokka is a small wallaby.
短尾矮袋鼠是一种小型袋鼠 。
It comes from the same family as a kangaroo.
和我们通常所说的袋鼠是同一个家族的 。
And physically they've got thick brown fur, they've got long tails and they hop around.
从生理特征来讲,他们有着厚厚的棕色皮毛,尾巴很长,会跳来跳去 。
Quokkas thrive on Rottnest Island because they don't have any predators over here, so there's no foxes.
短尾矮袋鼠在罗特内斯特岛上繁殖得很好,因为岛上没有掠食者,所以岛上没有狐狸 。
We have the largest viable population of about 10,000.
我们最多可以养殖1万只 。
Oh, sorry, and you are?
噢,抱歉,忘了介绍您了 。
My name's Cassyanna Gray, and I'm a conservation officer on Rottnest Island.
我是Cassyanna Gray,是罗特内斯特岛的保育专员 。
In my role I'm responsible for managing conservation programs.
我的工作职责包括管理野生动物保育方案 。
And there's one online trend that has really helped these animals.
而一种网络趋势对保护这些动物发挥了重大作用 。
A quokka selfie.
那就是和短尾矮袋鼠自拍 。
But make sure you're getting it right.
不过务必用正确的姿势和它们自拍 。
How to take a quokka selfie.
那怎么和短尾矮袋鼠自拍呢 。
Step one: a camera.
第一步:准备一台相机 。
Step two: a quokka.
第二步:找一只短尾矮袋鼠 。
But don't touch the quokkas.
但请不要去摸那些袋鼠 。
Ah, no. Or feed them. It's 150 dollar fine.
啊,别摸 。也不要给它们喂食 。否则是要被罚款150美元的 。
These guys don't need the food.
这些小家伙是不需要食物的 。
They naturally graze their way through the island's vegetation.
他们天生就是以岛上的植物为食的 。
And they also really love the seedlings that we plant as part of our re-vegetation projects that we have implemented by our environment technicians.
他们也非常喜欢吃我们种植的幼苗,而那些幼苗是我们的环保技术员种来恢复岛上的植被的 。
Sorry about that, guys. Thanks for all your hard work.
同志们,心疼你们 。还是要感谢你们的辛勤工作 。
And what makes these guys so great for taking selfies?
Around the settlement area, the quokkas are a lot friendlier; they've become used to people, so their natural behaviors change.
定居点??附近的短尾矮袋鼠会更友好一些,因为他们习惯有人在旁边了,所以他们的自然行为已经变了 。
But out in the reserve where they're actually still exhibiting their natural behavior, they will be a lot more wary of people.
但是在保护区里,他们还是会表现出它们自然的一面,警惕性会更高 。
We have to know, are they actually smiling in photos?
照片里它们是真的在笑吗?这个问题我们一定要弄清楚 。
Yeah, they're not actually smiling in the photos,
it's just the natural shape of their mouth, which comes up at the side, which makes them look like they're smiling.
它们的嘴巴天生就是那个形状,天生就是嘴角上扬的,所以才会让人觉得它们是在笑 。
The popularity of the quokka selfie has given us the opportunity to be able to raise awareness about the quokka's, particularly on the mainland, that are under threat.
短尾矮袋鼠自拍的走红其实也给了我们一个机会,让我们意识到,短尾矮袋鼠,尤其是大陆的短尾矮袋鼠,正面临着威胁 。
So we use that as a platform to educate the public and also educate them about appropriate interaction with wildlife.
所以,我们就拿这个当作一个公众教育平台,教大家如何正确地与野生动物互动 。
So finally, a good cause for selfies.
这倒是自拍的好借口 。