This Great Big Story was made possible by Wells Fargo, established 1852, re-established 2018.
感谢初创于1852年,重组于2018年的富国银行(Wells Fargo)对本期《伟大的故事》的大力支持 。
Nestled in the jungles of Bali, there's a small village a little different from the rest.
巴厘岛的丛林中,有一个与其他村庄略有不同的小村庄 。
In the region of Bengkala, there's a recessive gene common among the residents that causes a much higher rate of deafness.
本卡拉地区的人的基因中普遍有一种隐性基因,而这种基因会让携带者失聪的几率大大增加 。
It's been passed down through seven generations.
这种基因已经在当地人的血脉中传承了七代人 。
The total population is 3,003.
我们的总人口是3003人 。
In Bengkala, there are 44 person deaf.
其中有44人都是聋哑人 。
In a town of 3,000, normally, only four or five people would be born Deaf,
making Bengkala's proportion of Deaf residents incredibly unique.
这就使得本卡拉人的失聪比例格外独特 。
The sign language of Bengkala is Kata Kolok.
我们的手语叫Kata Kolok 。
This sign language is known only to the people of Bengkala because it was created by them.
这种手语只有本卡拉人才懂,因为是他们发明的 。
It's different from any other sign language throughout the world.
它与世界上任何一种手语都不一样 。
Every part of town has adopted to their Deaf neighbors.
为了方便失聪的左邻右舍,整个小镇的人都学过这种手语 。
The mayor speaks Kata Kolok.
市长打Kata Kolok手语 。
The farmers speak Kata Kolok.
农民打Kata Kolok手语 。
The teachers speak Kata Kolok.
老师们也打 。
In Bengkala, I think it's very unique because hearing and deaf live together, no discrimination.
And I'm very happy to stay here now.
这在这里我很开心 。
Then I can help the deaf community, deaf family because they are special for me.
因为我可以帮助失聪的邻居们,失聪的家庭,因为他们在我眼里是特别的 。