This is the Guimaras oil spill of 2006 and it's the worst of its kind in the Philippine's history.
这是06年的吉马拉斯原油泄漏事件,也是菲律宾历史上最严重的一次泄露事件 。
More than 130 thousand gallons of bunker oil gushed into the Panay Gulf.
超过13万加仑的船用油涌入班乃海湾 。
In an attempt to contain the spill locals turn to an unconventional method:
these freaky-looking sausage things are all filled with synthetic materials fabricated in a lab.
这些看起来很奇怪像香肠一样的东西里装满了实验室制造的合成材料 。
It's also organic stuff you can find on most continents and probably in your shower drain.
这种材料大多数州的有机物身上都有,说不定你浴室的下水口就有 。
It's human hair.
它就是,人的头发 。
After the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, Phil McCroy, a hair stylist in Alabama, had a novel idea for the cleanup effort.
阿拉斯加的埃克森瓦尔迪兹(Exxon Valdez)石油泄漏事件发生后,阿拉巴马州一位发型师,菲尔麦克罗伊(Phil McCroy)想到了一个新颖的办法,来清洁这些泄露 。
On TV he noticed how a sea otter's fur had become saturated with oil
and thought if that's what oil would do to an otter's fur, then the same must be true for human hair.
他便想到,如果海獭的毛能吸收油分,人类的头发应该也可以啊 。
He took scraps of hair trimmings from work,
stuffed them into his wife's pantyhose and tested his new invention in a small spill he created at his house.
把它们塞进了他妻子的连裤袜里,在自己家里小规模地测试起了他的新发明 。
NASA's studied and confirmed Phil's invention worked.
经过研究,美国宇航局确认菲尔的发明有效 。
I called every hair stylist in Alabama 'til I found him.
我给亚拉巴马州的发型师挨个打电话,最后终于把他给找到了 。
He said that his garage was full of hair being donated from salons all over the place,
but he'd never been able to make a business out of it and so from like about 2000, 2001 we were partners.
但他一直没能用那些头发发财,所以,差不多从00年,01年开始,我们就达成了合作 。
They teamed up on the Clean Wave program.
他们联手推出了一个叫做“清洁波浪”的项目 。
It collects donated hair, fur, feathers, and other fibers to make recycled felted mats and hair booms that can mop up oil spills.
收集捐赠的头发,毛皮,羽毛等纤维,然后制成可以清除漏油而且可以循环利用的毡垫和吸油索 。
Turns out hair is pretty good at cleaning up oil.
事实证明,头发还是清理油脂的高手 。
It repels water and can collect contaminants.
不仅能够将水排斥在外,还能收集污染物 。
Water goes into a sponge and it blows up and that's called absorbent
but oil coats hair on the outside so like it's called adsorbent.
但油能够附着在头发外部,就像所谓的吸附剂一样 。
Hair is also natural, cheap, and renewable which makes it an ideal material for cleaning up oil spills.
而且,头发不仅是一种天然材质,而且便宜,可再生,这就使得头发成了清理溢油的一种理想材料 。
Making a hair boom is pretty straightforward.
制作头发吸油索其实非常简单 。
All you need is human hair and pantyhose.
你只需要准备一些头发和连裤袜 。
Take the hair, stuff it into the hose, and voilà.
拿起头发,塞进袜子,接下来就是见证奇迹的时刻 。
After getting over the freaky feeling of handling someone else's clumped up hair,
place it into contaminated water and watch the hair boom do its thing.
把它放入被污染的水中,就能看到头发吸油索发挥它神奇的作用了 。
There's little diesel spills all the time,
so like every little harbor can use that stuff.
所以,基本上每个小港口都可以用得上 。
You know, it was a great way to just kind of string from dock to dock and kind of protect your private beaches.
你懂的,这种把码头串起来的方式非常棒,还有点儿保护你的私人海滩的味道 。
But hair booms and hair mats haven't been the principal method to clean major oil spills.
然而,头发吸油索或毡垫并不是大型石油泄漏的主要清理方法 。
They weren't used extensively in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon spill,
where over the course of 87 days 134 million gallons of oil gushed into the Gulf of Mexico.
而那场泄漏事件足足持续了87天,1.34亿加仑的石油涌入墨西哥湾 。
Instead, crews used 1.8 million gallons of chemical dispersants, oil skimmers, fire, and booms and barriers made of synthetic material to clean up the mess.
相反,工作人员用了180万加仑的化学分散剂,撇油器,火,以及由合成材料制成的吸油索和围栏来清理当时的残局 。
With oil spills, time is of the essence.
石油一旦泄漏,清理工作就要分秒必争 。
The longer oil is in the ocean the harder it is to retrieve.
石油在海洋中停留的时间越长,回收就越困难 。
The immediate ecological impact of oil spills is obvious.
石油泄漏立竿见影的生态影响是显而易见的 。
It kills marine wildlife and destroys habitats and breeding grounds.
它能够致死海洋生物,摧毁它们家园和繁殖地 。
The chemicals used to clean up oil spills also pose a danger to human health.
用于清理漏油的化学品对人类的健康也会构成威胁 。
As of now, hair booms and hair mats are not the primary tools used to contain oil spills,
but possibly one day they could be.
但未来某一天可能会 。
It was very interesting for us to see the public desire to help.
能够看到大家想出力,也是非常有意思的 。
There's so many hair salons in every city and billions more people with hair to spare.
每个城市都有很多很多美发沙龙,数十亿人都有可以余留出来的头发 。
So it's not out of the realm of possibilities that help for the next oil spill maybe just one snip away.
所以,下一次石油泄漏事件时,一剪刀下去,你也能帮上忙这种事也不是完全不可能 。