This Great Big Story was made possible by P&G.
本期伟大的故事可能是由宝洁公司缔造的 。
Love Over Bias
There are articles all around the world with pronouns like he, she, it, they.
世界各地的文章都会用到“他”,“她”,“它”和“他们”之类的代名词 。
A lot of people just are not quite sure what I am.
但在提到我的时候很多人都不太确定应该用哪个代词 。
And honestly, a little mystery is kind of fun.
说实话,保留一丢丢的神秘感还挺好玩的 。
I'm Rain Dove, and I am a model, activist, and general enjoyer of life.
我是雷恩·德芙,我是一名模特,活动家,也是一个享受生活的普通人 。
So, I model as both a male and a female, or in both menswear and womenswear.
做模特的时候,我既是男模,也是女模,穿男装,也穿女装 。
I worked as a male bartender.
我曾经当过男性调酒师 。
I've worked as a fire fighter for a while under a male persona.
有段时间,我还以男人的身份当过消防队员 。
I've done landscaping as male.
我做过男性绿化工人 。
Oh, I did power-washing for a while in Long Island!
I feel like every day that I do more modeling, every day that I say I'm not gonna stop doing what I'm doing,
it's another day in which I'm representing a community that isn't stopping what they're doing either.
这是我代表一个不会停止他们所做的事情的群体的又一个日子 。
My mission is not to look fancy.
我的使命不是穿得很酷 。
My mission is to show people that they belong,
that they are beautiful, that they are handsome, that they are attractive, and that they deserve to be elevated.
他们很漂亮,很帅,很有魅力,他们值得被赞赏 。
It is hard to protect yourself from being exploited and turned into a gimmick by designers who are trying something new or trying to get a bang for their buck.
要保护自己不被那些尝试新事物或者设法谋利的设计师利用,不被他们制造成噱头是很难的 。
But at the same time, in a weird way, I really want to be exploited.
但奇怪的是,我想被利用 。
I want somebody to say, yeah, let's try a gimmick.
我想看到有人说,好,我们来试试制造一个噱头吧 。
Because I want them to see how wildly successful that gimmick is.
因为我希望他们看到这个噱头是多么多么成功 。
I want them to start putting people that look like me or people that are different on the runway regularly.
我希望他们开始经常聘用我这样的人,与众不同的人 。
I'm really hoping that people see that I'm not a model, I'm a movement. I'm a human and, like, that's it.
我真的希望大家能够看到,我不是一个模特,我是运动的 。我是一个人,仅此而已 。