“这个是哈瓦那辣椒 。”
Why is it that some people like spicy food and some people hate it?
"Oh, man."
How does that work?
"I regret it."
“我后悔了 。”
Most spiciness is caused by one of two chemicals:
Allyl-isothiocyanite, which is what you find in wasabi or mustard,
and capsaicin, which is what you find in peppers.
还有一种是辣椒素,也就是辣椒那种辣 。
Plants usually use these to fend off predators like ants or fungi
who would otherwise destroy their seeds before they had the chance to spread.
否则在有机会传播种子之前,种子就会被破坏掉 。
"It's like a snake bit my tongue."
“感觉就像有蛇在咬的舌头 。”
So why do you feel that burning sensation when you're eating spice?
"When I swallow I feel it on the back of my throat?"
Almost like there's actual temperature change going on?
"Yeah, if I don't talk it's actually better. You can definitely feel heat build inside your face."
“嗯,不说话还好点儿,真的能够感到脸越来越烫 。”
Well, the way yourbody reacts to capsaicin is the same way it reacts to high temperatures.
原来,我们 身体对辣椒素的反应和对高温的反应是一样的 。
"A chunk just went down my throat."
“刚刚我吞下去了一大块 。”
"So, what is the feeling you have right now?"
“悔恨啊 。”
"Starting to regulate my heartbeat."
“我的心跳都变了 。”
Your palate is essentially being tricked into thinking that it's actually burning.
你的味觉会产生错觉,让你误以为你的味觉在灼烧 。
Receptors in the throat and the mouth and the tongue detect the presence of the capsaicin
and they send pain signals to the other parts of the body.
然后将疼痛的信息传递给身体其他部位 。
"Breathing in and out hurts."
“呼吸都很痛 。”
"I'm starting to cry."
“我已经被辣哭了 。”
When you consume capsaicin, your body releases endorphins which are natural stress-fighters.
摄入辣椒素的时候,身体会释放内啡肽,这是一种对抗压力的天然成分 。
People learn to like spice by associating the pain of capsaicin with the positive rush of endorphins.
通过将辣椒素产生的这种疼痛感和内啡肽的积极作用联系在一起,人们喜欢上了吃辣 。
"I feel like, I'm like gassed from a marathon."
“感觉,感觉我像是参加了一场马拉松一样 。”
We rate spice with the Scoville scale which was invented by an american pharmacist named Wilbur Scoville back in 1912.
我们用美国药剂师威尔伯·史高维尔1912年制定的史高维尔指数来测量辣度 。
Bell peppers are at the bottom with zero.
灯笼椒的辣度为零,位于辣度表的底部 。
Jalapeno peppers range anywhere from 2500 to 10,000 which is actually pretty low on the scale.
墨西哥辣椒的辣度从2500个单位到10000个单位不等,在这个表中已经算是比较低的水平了 。
Jump to two million and you've got standard US-grade pepper spray.
接下来我们直接跳到辣度为200万个单位的美国标准的防狼喷雾 。
And pure capsaicin clocks in at 15 million.
纯辣椒素的辣度则为1500万个单位 。
That's ****ing hot.
巨tm辣 。
We've been eating spicy food for about six thousand years
人类已经有将近6000年吃辣的历史了 。
if you think about the genres of food that are usually spicy like Mexican, Indian, and Thai,
they're all very hot regions and there are a couple reasons for that.
这些地方气候都比较热,而且他们爱吃辣也是有原因的 。
Cooking with spice traditionally helped get rid of bacteria that could make people sick, especially in places with high humidity and heat.
从传统的角度来讲,在食物里放辣可以对抗细菌等会引起疾病的东西,尤其是在湿度和温度比较高的地方 。
"I'm sweating right now."
“我已经开始流汗了 。”
"Oh, s***, it's getting worse actually."
"啊,握草,根本就是火上浇油嘛 。"
And the next time you're sweating from a particularly spicy bite don't go for water.
下次,吃辣流汗的时候,别喝水 。
It's almost totally useless.
喝水基本上是没有任何*用 。
What you need is milk, yogurt, rice, liquor or even peanut butter.
你需要的是牛奶、酸奶、米饭、酒甚至是花生酱 。
Oils, fats, and alcohol help dissolve the capsaicin. Water just doesn't.
油、脂肪和酒都有助于辣椒素的分解 。喝水就不会 。
"It helps."
“确实管用 。”
Your receptors don't dull or get any less sensitive the more spicy we eat.
你的感觉神经并不会因为你吃辣吃的多就变得麻木或者迟钝 。
"In 30 minutes, we're all going to be laughing about this. I read on the Internet that this helps."
“30分钟之后,这肯定会变成个笑话 。这个我是在网上看到的,据说管用 。”
Your body just has to learn to associate the pain with pleasure.
你的身体只会学着把这种痛苦和愉悦联系在一起 。
"It hurts but it tastes really good."
“很辣,但感觉很爽 。”
"Yeah, it was worth the pain. All the burps just taste like delicious spicy food."
“没错,再痛苦也值了 。每打一个嗝都是辛辣美食的味道 。”