The United States' national debt is $12.5 trillion.
美国当前的国债规模是12.5万亿美元 。
So lot's of people are freaked out.
所以很多人都抓狂了 。
But how big is that really?
National income, the total value of everything the U.S. makes each year, is also huge.
我们的国民收入,也就是美国一年的总产值,数目也是惊人的 。
And all that misses the most important point: the U.S. government can never run out of dollars.
但这些都没抓住最重要的一点,那就是美国政府永远不会缺钱 。
Unlike you, or the company you work for or the town you live in, the federal government prints dollars.
跟大家或者大家卖命的公司又或者你所居住的城市不同,联邦政府有印刷货币的资格 。
Or, actually, the Federal Reserve mostly makes it with computers.
准确地说,美联储主要是通过电脑印刷钞票的 。
The only thing to worry about is inflation.
唯一值得大家担心的是通货膨胀 。
If you have too much money chasing a fixed amount of stuff, that means higher prices.
如果商品数额有限但钱太多的话,就意味着商品价格要上涨 。
And if inflation gets out of control, the Fed will slow down the economy by raising interest rates.
如果通胀失控,美联储就会通过提高利率来放慢经济增长的脚步 。
Higher rates for the government mean even higher rates for businesses.
政府提高利率就意味着企业利率以更大的幅度增长 。
That means less investment in the private economy and slower growth.
这也就意味着投资私有经济的规模会缩水,经济增速放缓 。
That's why you worry about deficits, because they lead to inflation and higher interest rates.
这就是大家为赤字担忧的原因,因为赤字会引起通胀以及利率提高 。
But these days inflation is the lowest it's been in 30 years, and interest rates are also near record lows.
然而,如今的通胀已经是最近30年最低水平了,利率也是降到了历史新低 。
So we could reduce debt with higher taxes, or by cutting benefits,
but that would take money out of people's pockets -- means fewer jobs, it means lower incomes.
但这些钱都要美国人民自己来掏,这也就意味着工作机会减少,收入减少 。
So trying to reduce debt might actually make the debt situation worse.
总而言之,减少国债实则可能会让国债规模更加失控 。
So let's think of something else to worry about...Debt just isn't a problem right now.
所以我们何不担心担心别的问题,现在我们的国债其实算不上什么大问题 。