Ever heard the Snicker's tag line, "You're not you when you are hungry"?
Believe it or not, this is completely true. Do you get cranky often? Or snap out and later regret it? Do you have an attitude until you eat?
不管你信不信,这百分百正确 。你是不是经常变得暴躁呢?或者发脾气后后悔?又会不会变得盛气凌人,直到吃上几口才缓和?
You might be suffering from hangry. You might be saying hang what?
你或许是饿怒了 。也许你会问饿啥?
That's not a real word but it is. The 2017 merriam-webster dictionary defines hangry as an adjective that describes being irritable due to hunger.
这并非实词但是现在是了 。2007韦氏词典对饿怒作出解释—形容词,用于形容由于饥饿而变得暴躁 。
In other words, you get irritated or angry when you're hungry.
换句话说,你饿的时候,会变得暴躁或生气 。
The carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the food you eat convert into glucose which is a type of sugar.
食物中的碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白质转化成葡萄糖(糖的一种) 。
These nutrients enter our bloodstream and are distributed to our brain and organs.
这些营养素进入血管并分配至大脑和器官 。
As time passes, our glucose levels start to diminish.
随着时间的流逝,你的葡萄糖水平开始下降 。
If these levels decrease too much then our brain perceives this as life threatening.
如果这些物质水平过低,你的大脑会将这当成是一种生命威胁 。
Our brain uses glucose as fuel even though it only accounts for 2% of our body's mass, it needs approximately 23% of our energy intake.
我们的大脑将葡萄糖当做燃料,虽然它仅占身体总质量的2%,但却需要吸收身体近23%的能量 。
If glucose levels are low, the brain will start getting grumpy.
如果葡萄糖含量低,大脑就会开始变得暴躁 。
Additionally, our organs release stress hormones like cortisol when glucose levels are low.
此外,当葡萄糖含量低时,我们的器官会释放应激激素,比如皮质醇 。
This alone changes our mood drastically. Genes also play a major role in hangry.
单凭这一点就能彻底转变我们的情绪 。基因也在饿怒中起重要作用 。
Our genes release a chemical called neuropeptide Y and receptors like Y1.
我们的基因释放一种被称为神经肽Y的化学物质和受体,比如Y1 。
Both neuropeptide Y and Y1 regulate anger in the brain.
神经肽Y和Y1调节大脑怒火 。
An increased level of these in the brain contributes to sudden anger.
大脑中两种物质含量的增加会导致突然的生气 。
Basically, hangry is a survival mechanism.
主要来讲,饿怒是一种生存机制 。
In the past, our ancestors couldn't lay back and just wait for food to pass by.
在过去,我们的祖先不能躺着等食物送到嘴边 。
They had to do something in order to not die from hunger.
为了避免死于饥饿,他们必须做点什么 。
Fortunately, for us there are foods to snack on when hungry.
幸运的是,我们饿的时候有零食可以吃 。
Nuts, fruits, tuna and crackers, chips and guacamole, Greek yogurt with granola or fruit, humus and veggies,
avocados or oatmeal can keep you calm until your next meal.
牛油果或燕麦粥,这些都可以帮你保持镇定 。
The trick here is to eat foods that contain protein, fiber and antioxidants.
其中关键是所吃食物中含有蛋白质、纤维和抗氧化物 。
Protein is an organic compound that consists of long chains of amino acid.
蛋白质是一种有机化合物,其中含有一长链氨基酸 。
Protein helps maintain blood glucose levels and allows different brain regions to communicate effectively, which in turn improves your mood.
蛋白质帮助维护血糖水平,让大脑不同区域有效交流,从而改善你的情绪 。
Fiber is a plant based nutrient, that helps food move through the digestive tract.
纤维是一种基于植物的营养物,帮助食物进入消化道 。
This is important because it allows our body to eliminate substances we don't need.
纤维很重要,因为它能够让你的身体清除不需要的物质 。
Without enough fiber in our diet, we get clogged up, which affects our mood negatively.
饮食中若没有足量的纤维,就会便秘,也会对情绪有消极影响 。
Antioxidants are compounds that delay cell damage meaning they keep our body and mind healthy.
抗氧化物是化合物,延迟细胞损伤,这就意味着它们能保持身体和心理的健康 。
It is also important to avoid junk food because even though it calm your anger
it will generally produce an increase in blood-glucose that will you crash quickly.
但是也会增加血糖,让身体机能迅速崩溃 。
Eating when you're hungry isn't always possible due to our busy schedules.
由于事务繁忙,生气时并不是总有时间吃东西 。
But you can try to keep healthy snacks near you to munch on.
但是你可以在手边放一些健康小零食,饿的时候嚼嚼 。
Remember you're not you when you're hungry.
记住横扫饥饿,做回自己 。
When was the last time you were hangry? Do you eat only when you're hungry or do you snack in between meals?
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