Putin announces his candidacy for president and wins the 2012 election by a preposterous margin.
普京宣布参加总统竞选的计划,并以压倒性的选票优势赢得了2012年选举 。
"Injustice says Dmitry this outrage can't continue. I'm here to say no to Putin".
“不公平,德米特里说,不能再让这种激愤继续下去了,我要当着大家的面对普京说‘不行’ 。”
Putin starts his third term once again amid chaos.
混乱中普京开始了他的第三个任期 。
He doubles down on his authoritarian governance style at home and his militaristic strategy abroad.
他开始加倍奉行对内的独裁风格以及对外的军国主义战略 。
But in both cases, he showcases a mastery of information.
然而无论是对内还是对外,他都展示了他对信息的一流把握 。
Since he first took office in 2000, Putin has kept tight leash on Russian television.
自2000年首次上任以来,普京就在俄罗斯电视台频繁露面 。
Essentially all news outlets are state-owned propaganda machines.
然而,基本上俄罗斯所有的新闻媒体都是国家的宣传机器 。
His regime decides which stories air and how, always depicting him as the strong Russian leader.
播哪些故事,怎么播决定权都在他手里,所以,媒体中的他始终是强硬的俄罗斯领导人形象 。
In 2012, he cracked down on human rights and civil liberties, making clear there was no room for dissent in his Russia.
2012年,他镇压呼吁人权和公民自由的活动,明确表示不给国内任何反对派留有余地 。
Using state television, for example, he administered a blistering campaign against a feminist and gay rights music group Pussy Riot.
利用国家电视台对主张女权和同性恋权利的"造反猫咪"乐队展开的强烈打击就是一例 。
"The latest and the loudest of such performance for the so-called punk prayer the Christ the Savior cathedral
“该乐队在救世主大教堂前进行了所谓的朋克祷告,这是她们最近一次,也是最响亮的一次表演 。
where they were yelling things which were rather profane to be yelled in Church.
她们大声唱着那些亵渎教堂的歌词 。
Of course, three members of the punk group Pussy Riot were convicted and sentenced to two years in prison."
当然了,该朋克乐队的三名成员最后被判处两年监禁 。”
Putin also bolstered his aggressive foreign strategy.
普京还对外推行他的侵略性外交政策 。
He used traditional military methods like sending weapons and fighter planes to help dictator Bashar al-Assad fight a bloody civil war in Syria.
他不仅采取传统的军事策略,用武器和战斗机支援叙利亚独裁分子巴沙尔·阿萨德发动血腥内战 。
But Putin's regime has also developed and fostered the most effective cyber army in the world and he's used it to wreak havoc in the West.
还培养了世界上最有效的网络军队,并用该军队大肆破坏西方世界的和平 。
These hackers have stolen classified US information, hacked politicians email accounts,
even shut down Georgia's internet while Russian troops invaded.
甚至在俄军入侵时关闭了格鲁吉亚的互联网 。
And of course, they tried to sabotage Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign in 2016.
当然,他们还曾试图在2016年破坏希拉里·克林顿的总统竞选 。
Russian hackers have also launched propaganda campaigns in support of right-wing candidates in Europe.
俄罗斯黑客还开展了支持欧洲右翼候选人的宣传活动 。
With this, Putin hopes to exploit and deepen the political divide in Western democracies.
普京希望此举能够利用并加深西方民主国家的政治分歧 。
In 2014, the Putin vision culminated in the targeting of Ukraine; another former Soviet country.
2014年,普京的野心在其对前苏联国家乌克兰发动的战争中达到了高潮 。
Ukraine's president was opening up to the west and Putin feared he would join NATO.
乌克兰总统对西方世界搞对外开放,普京担心他会加入北约 。
So Russian hackers launched a propaganda campaign against him, stoking protests in the pro-Russia eastern part of the country.
为此俄罗斯黑客发起了针对他的宣传活动,煽动亲俄罗斯的东部地区抗议 。
He then sent in disguised Russian troops and before long violence erupted.
之后,普京派出了俄罗斯军队,暴力事件随即爆发 。
In goes the Russian military and in early 2014, Putin annexed Crimea.
俄罗斯军队开入乌克兰,并在2014年初吞并了克里米亚 。
He continues to support the fighting in Ukraine and as of 2017 over 9,000 people have died.
普京继续支持乌克兰的战斗,截至2017年,已有9,000多人在这场战争中丧命 。
The world erupts in protest but Putin doesn't give in.
世界各地纷纷爆发抗议,但普京没有屈服 。
See his aggressive foreign policy successfully weakens his neighbors while also rallying Russians around him.
他认为,他的侵略性外交政策不仅成功削弱了邻国,还把俄罗斯人团结到了自己周围 。
But he has done all this at the expense of his own people.
然而这一切都是以牺牲他自己的人民为代价的 。
His invasions have prompted harsh sanctions from the west, barring Russian businesses from trading in Western markets.
因为侵略,俄罗斯受到了西方世界的严厉制裁,俄罗斯企业被阻止在西方市场上交易 。
Russian currency has plummeted in value and the energy industry that Russia relies on is collapsing.
俄罗斯货币价值暴跌,俄罗斯依赖的能源行业也在崩溃 。
It's hard to imagine Russia can continue under these circumstances.
很难想象在这种情况下俄罗斯还能怎么坚持 。
But the election of Donald Trump brings new hope for the Putin vision.
然而,唐纳德·特朗普的当选为普京的愿景带来了新的希望 。
Trump's rhetoric has been notably soft on Russia.
特朗普针对俄罗斯的言辞显得非常温和 。
He could lift sanctions and weaken NATO, potentially freeing up space for Putin's Russia to become a dominant power once again.
只要特朗普解除制裁同时削弱北约,就能为普京领导下的俄罗斯再次成为世界大国创造条件 。