This is the eastern bongo.
这是山地紫羚 。
These beautiful chestnut and white-striped creatures can only be found in four isolated regions of Kenya.
只有肯尼亚四个与世隔绝的地方才有这种周身栗色,并带有漂亮的白色斑纹的生物 。
Eastern bongos are fairly large in size
and can weigh anywhere from 500 to 900 pounds,
体重可达500磅到900磅 。
and their horns can be as long as 40 inches.
犄角长达40英尺 。
In fact, their horns are as wide as the widest part of their body.
实际上,它们的犄角和身体最宽的地方等宽 。
Despite their large size, eastern bongos are rather timid creatures.
尽管拥有庞大的体型,山地紫羚仍生性胆小 。
They are herbivores.
它们是草食动物 。
They tend to eat and are most active during twilight and dusk
as the darkness helps them to hide from predators.
因为黑暗可以掩护它们不被掠食者抓住 。
There is estimated to be about 100 bongos left in the wild,
putting them well below the critically endangered threshold.
其数量远低于极度濒危的门槛 。
Their biggest threats are hunting and the destruction of their habitat.
这种动物面临的最大威胁是狩猎和栖地的破坏 。
In an effort to protect the eastern bongo,
various parts of their native habitat in Kenya have been designated as shelters for them,
allowing the eastern bongo to move about freely and safely without fear of poachers.
此举能够让山地紫羚自由而安全地出没,不必再担心偷猎者 。
This is the eastern bongo.
这,就是山地紫羚 。