The World War II memorial in DC is imposing and serious. And it should be.
华盛顿特区的二战纪念碑庄严肃穆,这是应该的 。
But it would be a mistake to forget the joke that helped keep GIs going.
然而,忘记这个让美国兵坚持下来的笑话就不对了 。
It was amazingly similar to a modern meme.
这个笑话特别像是当代的文化基因 。
And his name was Kilroy.
他的名字就是基洛 。
Soldiers scrawled this face and “Kilroy Was Here” all around the world.
士兵们在世界各地留下这张脸和“基洛到此一游”的涂鸦 。
The joke was that Kilroy, peeking out, had been everywhere before the GIs got there.
好笑的是,大兵每到一处,基洛就已经在那里探出他的头了 。
He greeted them in Okinawa and Casablanca, and in Sicily, he cheered them in Berlin.
他在冲绳,在卡萨布兰卡、西西里岛跟他们照面,在柏林给他们打气 。
Everywhere soldiers went, seeing unfamiliar landmarks and reading signs in languages they couldn’t speak,
they graffitied the same picture and signed the same name on every available surface.
他们都会在涂上留下同一个涂鸦,签上同一个名字 。
He was a joke, but he was also a kind of assurance, a hero who’d been there before and still made it out OK.
基洛是个笑话,但也是一颗定心丸,一个早已到达那里,现在表现依然出色的英雄 。
We don’t really know where Kilroy came from.
The picture showed up around the world — in England, he was Mr. Chad, where he complained about skimpy rations.
At some point, that guy was mashed up with the phrase “Kilroy Was Here.”
在某个时刻,有人又给它配上了“基洛到此一游” 。
Who was Kilroy?
The legend’s that a shipyard inspector named James J. Kilroy wrote “Kilroy Was Here” on all of his inspected work.
传说,一位名叫詹姆斯·J. 基洛的造船厂检查员在他经手的所有产品上都会写上“基洛到此一游” 。
Soldiers saw it and turned it into a joke that showed up on bomber wings and became latrine literature.
士兵们看到就把它变成了一个笑话,还把它绘制在轰炸机的翅膀上,甚至发展成了厕所文学 。
James Kilroy won a contest for supposedly being the real Kilroy, but - eh - Kilroy was bigger than him.
詹姆斯·基洛赢得了一场比赛,据推测他就是真实的基洛,但是 - 基洛比他高大 。
There were rumors Stalin was spooked by Kilroy graffiti at Potsdam,
and after the war he popped up in movies, whiskey ads, and really weird novelty songs.
战争结束后,电影,威士忌广告和奇怪的新奇歌曲里也可以看到基洛的身影 。
“Kilroy was here. We want Kilroy. And even Edgar Hoover admits he’s quite a mover — Kilroy was here. Ha, I’m Kilroy!”
“基洛到此一游 。我们要基洛 。连埃德加·胡佛都承认他是一个很有前途的人 - 基洛到此一游 。哈,我就是基洛!“
Today, Kilroy’s faded from bathroom walls,
but if you go to the World War II Memorial,
past a fountain you can’t make wishes in, near an area that’s closed for construction,
you can peer through a fence and see that even in this place Kilroy got here before you.
大家还是可以穿过栅栏,看到即使是这个地方,基洛也赶在你前面来过了 。